The London Mathematical Society and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications are pleased to announce that they will be holding a Joint Meeting to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Emmy Noether’s paper on Conservation Laws. The meeting is open to all, both members and non-members of both societies

11 September, 1030-1800

De Morgan House, Russell Square, London

Full details of the programme (including abstracts for the talks) and how to register can be found online.

Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze (University of Agder) Some basic biographical facts about Emmy Noether (1882-1935), in particular on the discrimination against her as a woman.

Katherine Brading (Duke University) The puzzle that led to Noether’s theorems

Elizabeth Mansfield (University of Kent) Noether's Theorem, one hundred years later

Norbert Schappacher (I.R.M.A. / U.F.R. de mathématique et d’informatique) On Emmy Noether’s conceptual mathematics

Cheryl Praeger  (University of Western Australia) Emmy Noether, Symmetry, and Women in Mathematics

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