As some people may be aware there has been a serious electrical problem for over a year affecting the power supply to buildings on St Giles.

Monday 24th saw the worst power failure yet and resulted in serious disruption to the departmental IT systems.

Since the problem in the street seemed to be unclear, and any attempt at resolution seemed slow, in Spring the department asked for electrical works to be done in the St Giles building that would attempt to resolve internal issues and thus reduce the disruptions.


There have been serious delays with this work. To date the first phase of the work to provide a dedicated distribution board to the server room has been completed. The second phase will redistribute the existing circuits in the room onto this new board. The final phase of the works will then rebalance the three phases within the St Giles building which are currently serious unbalanced.


Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Created on 27 Nov 2008 - 10:39.