Deep neural network initialization with sparsity inducing activations
Price, I Daultry Ball, N Jones, A Chun Hei Lam, S Tanner, J
Beyond IID weights: sparse and low-rank deep Neural Networks are also Gaussian Processes
Nait Saada, T Naderi, A Tanner, J Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024) (16 Jan 2024)

Doxa is a premium tutoring agency, focusing on supporting international students with the UK University Admissions process and subject tuition. 

Madonna Ciccone is in trouble. Two fans are suing her for coming on stage two hours late. They should count themselves lucky. For those of us old enough to have been to gigs in the last Millennium, two hours is positively early. 

There is much Madonna from which to chose, but your Song of the Week editor, being old, has a soft post for 'Borderline'. Mainly because it is fab.

Multimodal deep learning approach to predicting neurological recovery from coma after cardiac arrest
Krones, F Walker, B Parsons, G Lyons, T Mahdi, A Proceedings of the 50th Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC 2023) volume 50 1-4 (26 Dec 2023)
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