Tue, 19 Nov 2013
17:00 - 18:30
Tomasz Kania

We address the following two questions regarding the maximal left ideals of the Banach algebras B(E) of bounded operators acting on an infinite-dimensional Banach space E:

i) Does B(E) always contain a maximal left ideal which is not finitely generated?

ii) Is every finitely-generated maximal left ideal of B(E) necessarily of the form {T\in B(E): Tx = 0}? for some non-zero vector x in E?

Since the two-sided ideal F(E) of finite-rank operators is not contained in any of the maximal left ideals mentioned above, a positive answer to the second question would imply a positive answer to the first.

Our main results are:

Question i) has a positive answer for most (possibly all) infinite-dimensional Banach spaces;

Question ii) has a positive answer if and only if no finitely-generated, maximal left ideal of B(E) contains F(E); the answer to Question ii) is positive for many, but not all, Banach spaces. We also make some remarks on a more general conjecture that a unital Banach algebra is finite-dimensional whenever all its maximal left ideals are finitely generated; this is true for C*-algebras.

This is based on a recent paper with H.G. Dales, T. Kochanek, P. Koszmider and N.J. Laustsen (Studia Mathematica, 2013) and work in progress with N.J. Laustsen.

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