Dr Lakshya Bhardwaj
Research Fellow
bhardwaj at maths.ox.ac.uk
Research groups
Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
University of Oxford
Andrew Wiles Building
Radcliffe Observatory Quarter
Woodstock Road
Major / recent publications
Recent publications
Lattice Models for Phases and Transitions with Non-Invertible Symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Schafer-Nameki, S Tiwari, A (09 May 2024) Illustrating the Categorical Landau Paradigm in Lattice Models
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Schafer-Nameki, S Tiwari, A (08 May 2024) Generalized charges, part I: Invertible symmetries and higher representations
Bhardwaj, L Schäfer-Nameki, S SciPost Physics volume 16 issue 4 093 (04 Apr 2024) Anomalies of generalized symmetries from solitonic defects
Bhardwaj, L Bullimore, M Ferrari, A Schäfer-Nameki, S SciPost Physics volume 16 issue 3 087 (26 Mar 2024) Generalized symmetries and anomalies of 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ SCFTs
Bhardwaj, L Bullimore, M Ferrari, A Schäfer-Nameki, S SciPost Physics volume 16 issue 3 080 (20 Mar 2024) Hasse Diagrams for Gapless SPT and SSB Phases with Non-Invertible Symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Pajer, D Schafer-Nameki, S Warman, A (01 Mar 2024) Discovering T-dualities of little string theories
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2024 issue 2 (08 Feb 2024) The Club Sandwich: Gapless Phases and Phase Transitions with Non-Invertible Symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Pajer, D Schafer-Nameki, S (28 Dec 2023) Non-invertible symmetry webs
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Schafer-Nameki, S Tiwari, A SciPost Physics volume 15 issue 4 (13 Oct 2023) Gapped Phases with Non-Invertible Symmetries: (1+1)d
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Pajer, D Schafer-Nameki, S (05 Oct 2023) Categorical Landau Paradigm for Gapped Phases
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Pajer, D Schafer-Nameki, S (05 Oct 2023) Unifying constructions of non-invertible symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Schafer-Nameki, S Tiwari, A SciPost Physics volume 15 issue 3 (28 Sep 2023) Disconnected 0-form and 2-group symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Gould, D Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2023 issue 7 98 (12 Jul 2023) Generalized Charges, Part II: Non-Invertible Symmetries and the Symmetry TFT
Bhardwaj, L Schafer-Nameki, S (26 May 2023) Relative defects in relative theories: trapped higher-form symmetries and irregular punctures in class S
Bhardwaj, L Giacomelli, S Hübner, M Schäfer-Nameki, S SciPost Physics volume 13 issue 4 (26 Oct 2022) The Global Form of Flavor Symmetries and 2-Group Symmetries in 5d SCFTs
Apruzzi, F Bhardwaj, L Oh, J Schafer-Nameki, S SciPost Phys. volume 13 024-024 (18 May 2021) Global form of flavor symmetry groups in 4d N=2 theories of class S
Bhardwaj, L SciPost Physics volume 12 issue 6 183 (07 Jun 2022) 2-Group symmetries in class S
Bhardwaj, L SciPost Physics volume 12 issue 5 152 (09 May 2022) 2-Group symmetries and their classification in 6d
Apruzzi, F Bhardwaj, L Gould, D Schafer-Nameki, S SciPost Physics volume 12 (18 Mar 2022) Liberating confinement from Lagrangians: 1-form symmetries and lines in 4d N=1 from 6d N=(2,0)
Hübner, M Bhardwaj, L Schafer-Nameki, S SciPost Physics volume 12 (26 Jan 2022) 1-form symmetries of 4d N=2 class S theories
Bhardwaj, L Hübner, M Schafer-Nameki, S SciPost Physics volume 11 issue 5 (24 Nov 2021) Flavor symmetry of 5d SCFTs. Part I. General setup
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2021 issue 9 186 (28 Sep 2021) Flavor symmetry of 5d SCFTs. Part II. Applications
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2021 issue 4 221 (22 Apr 2021) Do all 5d SCFTs descend from 6d SCFTs?
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2021 issue 4 85 (09 Apr 2021) More 5d KK theories
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2021 issue 3 54 (04 Mar 2021) Higher-form symmetries of 6d and 5d theories
Bhardwaj, L Schäfer-Nameki, S Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2021 issue 2 (18 Feb 2021) Twisted circle compactifications of 6d SCFTs
Bhardwaj, L Jefferson, P Kim, H Tarazi, H Vafa, C Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2020 issue 12 151 (23 Dec 2020) Classification of 5d N = 1 gauge theories
Bhardwaj, L Zafrir, G Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2020 issue 12 99 (16 Dec 2020) SL(2, ℤ) action on QFTs with ℤ2 symmetry and the Brown-Kervaire invariants
Bhardwaj, L Lee, Y Tachikawa, Y Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2020 issue 11 141 (25 Nov 2020) On the classification of 5d SCFTs
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2020 issue 9 7 (01 Sep 2020) Dualities of 5d gauge theories from S-duality
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2020 issue 7 12 (02 Jul 2020) Revisiting the classifications of 6d SCFTs and LSTs
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2020 issue 3 171 (27 Mar 2020) The frozen phase of F-theory
Bhardwaj, L Morrison, D Tachikawa, Y Tomasiello, A Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2018 issue 8 138 (22 Aug 2018) Unoriented 3d TFTs
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2017 issue 5 48 (10 May 2017) Classification of 4d =2 gauge theories
Bhardwaj, L Tachikawa, Y Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2013 issue 12 100 (23 Dec 2013) Highlighted publications
Lectures on generalized symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Fraser-Taliente, L Gladden, L Gould, D Platschorre, A Tillim, H Physics Reports volume 1051 1-87 (Feb 2024) Non-invertible higher-categorical symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Bottini, L Schafer-Nameki, S Tiwari, A SciPost Physics volume 14 issue 1 (26 Jan 2023) Universal non-invertible symmetries
Bhardwaj, L Schafer-Nameki, S Wu, J Fortschritte der Physik volume 70 issue 11 (05 Oct 2022) Classifying 5d SCFTs via 6d SCFTs: arbitrary rank
Bhardwaj, L Jefferson, P Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2019 issue 10 282 (31 Oct 2019) Classifying 5d SCFTs via 6d SCFTs: rank one
Bhardwaj, L Jefferson, P Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2019 issue 7 178 (31 Jul 2019) On finite symmetries and their gauging in two dimensions
Bhardwaj, L Tachikawa, Y Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2018 issue 3 189 (29 Mar 2018) State sum constructions of spin-TFTs and string net constructions of fermionic phases of matter
Bhardwaj, L Gaiotto, D Kapustin, A Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2017 issue 4 96 (18 Apr 2017) F-theory and the classification of little strings
Bhardwaj, L Del Zotto, M Heckman, J Morrison, D Rudelius, T Vafa, C Physical Review D volume 93 issue 8 086002 (15 Apr 2016) Classification of 6d N=10 gauge theories
Bhardwaj, L Journal of High Energy Physics volume 2015 issue 11 2 (04 Nov 2015) Research interests
- Gapped and Gapless Phases of Matter
- Generalized Global Symmetries; Non-Invertible Symmetries
- (Higher-)Category Theory and Higher-Groups
- Confinement and Anomalies
- Topological Quantum Field Theories (TQFTs)
- 5d and 6d Superconformal Field Theories (SCFTs), Little String Theories
- String/M/F-Theory Geometric Engineering
- 4d N=2 and N=1 Theories
- 3d N=4 Theories