Thu, 12 Mar 2015

17:30 - 18:30

Rosenthal compacta and NIP formulas

Pierre Simon
(Université Lyon I)

A compact space is a Rosenthal compactum if it can be embedded into the space of Baire class 1 functions on a Polish space. Those objects have been well studied in functional analysis and set theory. In this talk, I will explain the link between them and the model-theoretic notion of NIP and how they can be used to prove new results in model theory on the topology of the space of types.

Thu, 09 Oct 2008

On Intersection with Tori

Amador Martin-Pizarro
(Université Lyon I)
In 2006, a bad field was constructed (together with Baudisch, Hils and Wagner) collapsing Poizat's green fields. In this talk, we will not concentrate on the general methodology for collapsing specific structures, but more on a specific result in algebraic geometry, a weaker version of the Conjecture on Intersection with Tori (CIT). We will present a model theoretical proof of this result as well as discuss the possible generalizations to positive characteristic. We will try to make the talk  self-contained and aimed for an audience with a basic acquaintance with Model Theory.

Tue, 27 May 2008

17:00 - 18:00

On polyzeta values

Olivier Mathieu
(Université Lyon I)
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