Forthcoming events in this series

Wed, 08 Jun 2016

Intensional Partial Metric Spaces

Steve Matthews

Partial metric spaces generalise metric spaces by allowing self-distance
to be a non-negative number. Originally motivated by the goal to
reconcile metric space topology with the logic of computable functions
and Dana Scott's innovative theory of topological domains they are now
too rigid a form of mathematics to be of use in modelling contemporary
applications software (aka 'Apps') which is increasingly concurrent,
pragmatic, interactive, rapidly changing, and inconsistent in nature.
This talks aims to further develop partial metric spaces in order to
catch up with the modern computer science of 'Apps'. Our illustrative
working example is that of the 'Lucid' programming language,and it's
temporal generalisation using Wadge's 'hiaton'.

Wed, 18 May 2016

Locally compact normal spaces: omega_1-compactness and sigma-countable compactness

Peter Nyikos
(South Carolina)

ABSTRACT: A space of countable extent, also called an omega_1-compact space, is one in which every closed discrete subspace is countable.  The axiom used in the following theorem is consistent if it is consistent that there is a supercompact cardinal.

Theorem 1  The LCT axiom implies that every hereditarily normal, omega_1-compact space
is sigma-countably compact,  i.e., the union of countably many countably compact subspaces.

Even for the specialized subclass of monotonically normal spaces, this is only a consistency result:

Theorem 2   If club, then there exists a locally compact, omega_1-compact monotonically
normal space that is not sigma-countably compact.

These two results together are unusual in that most independence results on
monotonically normal spaces depend on whether Souslin's Hypothesis (SH) is true,
and do not involve large cardinal axioms. Here, it is not known whether either
SH or its negation affect either direction in this independence result.

The following unsolved problem is also discussed:

Problem  Is there a ZFC example of a locally compact, omega_1-compact space
of cardinality aleph_1 that is not sigma-countably compact?

Wed, 27 Apr 2016

A counterexample to the Ho-Zhao problem

Achim Jung

It is quite easy to see that the sobrification of a
topological space is a dcpo with respect to its specialisation order
and that the topology is contained in the Scott topology wrt this
order. It is also known that many classes of dcpo's are sober when
considered as topological spaces via their Scott topology. In 1982,
Peter Johnstone showed that, however, not every dcpo has this
property in a delightful short note entitled "Scott is not always

Weng Kin Ho and Dongsheng Zhao observed in the early 2000s that the
Scott topology of the sobrification of a dcpo is typically different
from the Scott topology of the original dcpo, and they wondered
whether there is a way to recover the original dcpo from its
sobrification. They showed that for large classes of dcpos this is
possible but were not able to establish it for all of them. The
question became known as the Ho-Zhao Problem. In a recent
collaboration, Ho, Xiaoyong Xi, and I were able to construct a

In this talk I want to present the positive results that we have about
the Ho-Zhao problem as well as our counterexample. 

Wed, 09 Mar 2016

Normal spanning trees in uncountable graphs

Max Pitz

"In a paper from 2001, Diestel and Leader characterised uncountable graphs with normal spanning trees through a class of forbidden minors. In this talk we investigate under which circumstances this class of forbidden minors can be made nice. In particular, we will see that there is a nice solution to this problem under Martin’s Axiom. Also, some connections to the Stone-Chech remainder of the integers, and almost disjoint families are uncovered.”

Wed, 20 Jan 2016

Continuity via Logic

Steve Vickers

Point-free topology can often seem like an algebraic almost-topology, 
> not quite the same but still interesting to those with an interest in 
> it. There is also a tradition of it in computer science, traceable back 
> to Scott's topological model of the untyped lambda-calculus, and 
> developing through Abramsky's 1987 thesis. There the point-free approach 
> can be seen as giving new insights (from a logic of observations), 
> albeit in a context where it is equivalent to point-set topology. It was 
> in that tradition that I wrote my own book "Topology via Logic".
> Absent from my book, however, was a rather deeper connection with logic 
> that was already known from topos theory: if one respects certain 
> logical constraints (of geometric logic), then the maps one constructs 
> are automatically continuous. Given a generic point x of X, if one 
> geometrically constructs a point of Y, then one has constructed a 
> continuous map from X to Y. This is in fact a point-free result, even 
> though it unashamedly uses points.
> This "continuity via logic", continuity as geometricity, takes one 
> rather further than simple continuity of maps. Sheaves and bundles can 
> be understood as continuous set-valued or space-valued maps, and topos 
> theory makes this meaningful - with the proviso that, to make it run 
> cleanly, all spaces have to be point-free. In the resulting fibrewise 
> topology via logic, every geometric construction of spaces (example: 
> point-free hyperspaces, or powerlocales) leads automatically to a 
> fibrewise construction on bundles.
> I shall present an overview of this framework, as well as touching on 
> recent work using Joyal's Arithmetic Universes. This bears on the logic 
> itself, and aims to replace the geometric logic, with its infinitary 
> disjunctions, by a finitary "arithmetic type theory" that still has the 
> intrinsic continuity, and is strong enough to encompass significant 
> amounts of real analysis.

Wed, 02 Dec 2015

Countable dynamics

Chris Good
(Birmingham University)

We know that the existence of a period three point for an interval map implies much about the dynamics of the map, but the restriction of the map to the periodic orbit itself is trivial. Countable invariant subsets arise naturally in many dynamical systems, for example as $\omega$-limit sets, but many of the usual notions of dynamics degenerate when restricted to countable sets. In this talk we look at what we can say about dynamics on countable compact spaces.  In particular, the theory of countable dynamical systems is the theory of the induced dynamics on countable invariant subsets of the interval and the theory of homeomorphic countable dynamics is the theory of compact countable invariant subsets of homeomorphisms of the plane.


Joint work with Columba Perez

Wed, 14 Oct 2015


Robin Knight
Mon, 29 Jun 2015


Dharmanand Baboolal
Wed, 11 Mar 2015

Period 1 implies chaos … sometimes

Dr Good

Abstract: Joint work with Syahida Che Dzul-Kifli


Let $f:X\to X$ be a continuous function on a compact metric space forming a discrete dynamical system. There are many definitions that try to capture what it means for the function $f$ to be chaotic. Devaney’s definition, perhaps the most frequently cited, asks for the function $f$ to be topologically transitive, have a dense set of periodic points and is sensitive to initial conditions.  Bank’s et al show that sensitive dependence follows from the other two conditions and Velleman and Berglund show that a transitive interval map has a dense set of periodic points.  Li and Yorke (who coined the term chaos) show that for interval maps, period three implies chaos, i.e. that the existence of a period three point (indeed of any point with period having an odd factor) is chaotic in the sense that it has an uncountable scrambled set.


The existence of a period three point is In this talk we examine the relationship between transitivity and dense periodic points and look for simple conditions that imply chaos in interval maps. Our results are entirely elementary, calling on little more than the intermediate value theorem.

Wed, 11 Mar 2015


Chris Good
Wed, 18 Feb 2015

16:00 - 17:00

Self-maps on compact F-spaces.

Max Pitz
(Oxford University)
Compact F-spaces play an important role in the area of compactification theory, the prototype being w*, the Stone-Cech remainder of the integers. Two curious topological characteristics of compact F-spaces are that they don’t contain convergent sequences (apart from the constant ones), and moreover, that they often contain points that don’t lie in the boundary of any countable subset (so-called weak P-points). In this talk we investigate the space of self-maps S(X) on compact zero-dimensional F-spaces X, endowed with the compact-open topology. A natural question is whether S(X) reflects properties of the ground space X. Our main result is that for zero-dimensional compact F-spaces X, also S(X) doesn’t contain convergent sequences. If time permits, I will also comment on the existence of weak P-points in S(X). This is joint work with Richard Lupton.
Wed, 26 Nov 2014

Set functions.

Leobardo Fernández Román
(UNAM Mexico)
A continuum is a non-empty
compact connected metric space.
Given a continuum X let P(X) be the
power set of X. We define the following
set functions:
T:P(X) to P(X) given by, for each A in P(X),
T(A) = X \ { x in X : there is a continuum W
such that x is in Int(W) and W does not
intersect A}.
K:P(X) to P(X) given by, for each A in P(X)
K(A) = Intersection{ W : W is a subcontinuum
of X and A is in the interior of W}.
Also, it is possible to define the arcwise
connected version of these functions.
Given an arcwise connected continuum X:
Ta:P(X) to P(X) given by, for each A in P(X),
Ta(A) = X \ { x in X : there is an arcwise
connected continuum W such that x is in
Int(W) and W does not intersect A}.
Ka:P(X) to P(X) given by, for each A in P(X),
Ka(A) = Intersection{ W : W is an arcwise
connected subcontinuum of X and A is in
the interior of W}
Some properties, examples and relations
between these functions are going to be