Forthcoming events in this series

Tue, 01 Feb 2011

12:00 - 13:00

An introduction to asymptotic safety

Roberto Percacci (SISSA)

I define what it means for a quantum

field theory to be asymptotically safe and

discuss possible applications to theories

of gravity and matter.

Tue, 18 Jan 2011

12:00 - 13:00

Quantum communication in Rindler spacetime

Prakash Panangaden (McGill, visiting Comlab)

Communication between observers in a relativistic scenario has proved to be

a setting for a fruitful dialogue between quantum field theory and quantum

information theory. A state that an inertial observer in Minkowski space

perceives to be the vacuum will appear to an accelerating observer to be a

thermal bath of radiation. We study the impact of this Davies-Fulling-Unruh

noise on communication, particularly quantum communication from an inertial

sender to an accelerating observer and private communication between two

inertial observers in the presence of an accelerating eavesdropper. In both

cases, we establish compact, tractable formulas for the associated

communication capacities assuming encodings that allow a single excitation

in one of a fixed number of modes per use of the communications channel.

Tue, 02 Nov 2010

12:00 - 13:00

Lattice String Field Theory: The 1d linear dilaton

Francis Bursa (Cambridge)

String field theory is a candidate for a full non-perturbative definition

of string theory. We aim to define string field theory on a space-time

lattice to investigate its behaviour at the quantum level. Specifically, we

look at string field theory in a one dimensional linear dilaton background,

using level truncation to restrict the theory to a finite number of fields.

I will report on our preliminary results at level-0 and level-1.

Tue, 19 Oct 2010

12:00 - 13:00

Asymmetric dark matter

Subir Sarkar (Theoretical Physics)

Much effort has been devoted to the study of weak scale particles, e.g. supersymmetric neutralinos, which have a relic abundance from thermal equilibrium in the early universe of order what is inferred for dark matter. This does not however provide any connection to the comparable abundance of baryonic matter, which must have a non-thermal origin. However "dark baryons" of mass ~5 GeV from a new strongly interacting sector would naturally provide dark matter and are consistent with recent putative signals in experiments such as CoGeNT and DAMA. Such particles would accrete in the Sun and affect heat transport in the interior so as to affect low energy neutrino fluxes and can possibly resolve the current conflict between helioseismological data and the Standard Solar Model.

Tue, 15 Jun 2010

12:00 - 13:00

Analytic torsion for twisted de Rham complexes

Varghese Mathai (Adelaide)

I will define and discuss the properties of the analytic torsion of

twisted cohomology and briefly of Z_2-graded elliptic complexes

in general, as an element in the graded determinant line of the

cohomology of the complex, generalizing most of the variants of Ray-

Singer analytic torsion in the literature. IThe definition uses pseudo-

differential operators and residue traces. Time permitting, I will

also give a couple of applications of this generalized torsion to

mathematical physics. This is joint work with Siye Wu.

Tue, 11 May 2010

12:00 - 13:00

Axions, Inflation and the Anthropic Principle

Katherine Mack (Cambridge)

The QCD axion is the leading solution to the strong-CP problem, a

dark matter candidate, and a possible result of string theory

compactifications. However, for axions produced before inflation, high

symmetry-breaking scales (such as those favored in string-theoretic axion

models) are ruled out by cosmological constraints unless both the axion

misalignment angle and the inflationary Hubble scale are extremely

fine-tuned. I will discuss how attempting to accommodate a high-scale axion

in inflationary cosmology leads to a fine-tuning problem that is worse than

the strong-CP problem the axion was originally invented to solve, and how

this problem is exacerbated when additional axion-like fields from string

theory are taken into account. This problem remains unresolved by anthropic

selection arguments commonly applied to the high-scale axion scenario.

Tue, 04 May 2010

12:00 - 13:00

Toposes in algebraic quantum theory

Chris Heunen (Comlab)

Topology can be generalised in at least two directions: pointless

topology, leading ultimately to topos theory, or noncommutative

geometry. The former has the advantage that it also carries a logical

structure; the latter captures quantum settings, of which the logic is

not well understood generally. We discuss a construction making a

generalised space in the latter sense into a generalised space in the

former sense, i.e. making a noncommutative C*-algebra into a locale.

This construction is interesting from a logical point of view,

and leads to an adjunction for noncommutative C*-algebras that extends

Gelfand duality.

Tue, 24 Nov 2009

12:00 - 13:00

Locally covariant quantum field theory in curved spacetime

CJ Fewster (York)

A recent innovation in quantum field theory is the locally covariant

framework developed by Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, in which quantum

field theories are regarded as functors from a category of spacetimes to a

category of *-algebras. I will review these ideas and particularly discuss

the extent to which they correspond to the intuitive idea of formulating the

same physics in all spacetimes.

Tue, 26 May 2009

12:00 - 13:00

Vortex Geometry

Nick Manton (DAMTP, Cambridge)