Seminar series
Mon, 03 Mar 2014
15:30 - 16:30
George Raptis
Osnabrueck and Regensburg

The A-theory characteristic of a fibration is a

map to Waldhausen's algebraic K-theory of spaces which

can be regarded as a parametrized Euler characteristic of

the fibers. Regarding the classifying space of the cobordism

category as a moduli space of smooth manifolds, stable under

extensions by cobordisms, it is natural to ask whether the

A-theory characteristic can be extended to the cobordism

category. A candidate such extension was proposed by Bökstedt

and Madsen who defined an infinite loop map from the d-dimensional

cobordism category to the algebraic K-theory of BO(d). I will

discuss the connections between this map, the A-theory

characteristic and the smooth Riemann-Roch theorem of Dwyer,

Weiss and Williams.

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