What is MURC?

MURC is the line of communication between the body of undergraduates studying Maths (and joint schools) and the Powers That Be. The mathematicians at each college in the University nominate a representative to serve on MURC. The committee meets twice each term, usually on Friday Second Week and Friday Seventh Week, to discuss issues concerning Maths students. If Maths students want MURC to consider some matter, they can speak to their college's MURC rep, who can then raise it at the next meeting of the committee or they can e-mail the President or Secretary with comments, suggestions and queries. A handful of representatives from MURC sit on the Joint Consultative Committee with Undergraduates (JCCU), which meets on Friday of Third Week each term. At these meetings, they discuss matters of concern to students with senior members of the Sub-Faculty.

If you want to learn more about MURC, contact your college rep, or the President.

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 08 Mar 2024 16:28.