Tue, 13 Oct 2015
15:45 - 16:45
Travis Schedler
Imperial College London

Given a hypersurface, the Bernstein-Sato polynomial gives deep information about its singularities.  It is defined by a D-module (the algebraic formalism of differential equations) closely related to analytic continuation of the gamma function. On the other hand, given a hypersurface (in a Calabi-Yau variety) one can also consider the Hamiltonian flow by divergence-free vector fields, which also defines a D-module considered by Etingof and myself. I will explain how, in the case of quasihomogeneous hypersurfaces with isolated singularities, the two actually coincide. As a consequence I affirmatively answer a folklore question (to which M. Saito recently found a counterexample in the non-quasihomogeneous case): if c$ is a root of the b-function, is the D-module D f^c / D f^{c+1} nonzero? We also compute this D-module, and for c=-1 its length is one more than the genus (conjecturally in the non-quasihomogenous case), matching an analogous D-module in characteristic p. This is joint work with Bitoun.

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