Mon, 31 Oct 2016
14:15 - 15:15
Alex Ritter

Abstract: (This is joint work with Mark McLean, Stony Brook University N.Y.).

The classical McKay correspondence is a 1-1 correspondence between finite subgroups G of SL(2,C) and simply laced Dynkin diagrams (the ADE classification). These diagrams determine the representation theory of G, and they also describe the intersection theory between the irreducible components of the exceptional divisor of the minimal resolution Y of the simple surface singularity C^2/G. In particular those components generate the homology of Y. In the early 1990s, Miles Reid conjectured a far-reaching generalisation to higher dimensions: given a crepant resolution Y of the singularity C^n/G, where G is a finite subgroup of SL(n,C), the claim is that the conjugacy classes of G are in 1-1 correspondence with generators of the cohomology of Y. This has led to much active research in algebraic geometry in recent years, in particular Batyrev proved the conjecture in 2000 using algebro-geometric techniques (Kontsevich's motivic integration machinery). The goal of my talk is to present work in progress, jointly with Mark McLean, which proves the conjecture using symplectic topology techniques. We construct a certain symplectic cohomology group of Y whose generators are Hamiltonian orbits in Y to which one can naturally associate a conjugacy class in G. We then show that this symplectic cohomology recovers the classical cohomology of Y.

This work is part of a large-scale project which aims to study the symplectic topology of resolutions of singularities also outside of the crepant setup.



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