Fri, 05 May 2017
14:00 - 15:00
Professor Min Chen
Oxford e-Research Centre University of Oxford

All data intelligence processes are designed for processing a finite amount of data within a time period. In practice, they all encounter
some difficulties, such as the lack of adequate techniques for extracting meaningful information from raw data; incomplete, incorrect 
or noisy data; biases encoded in computer algorithms or biases of human analysts; lack of computational resources or human resources; urgency in 
making a decision; and so on. While there is a great enthusiasm to develop automated data intelligence processes, it is also known that
many of such processes may suffer from the phenomenon of data processing inequality, which places a fundamental doubt on the credibility of these 
processes. In this talk, the speaker will discuss the recent development of an information-theoretic measure (by Chen and Golan) for optimizing 
the cost-benefit ratio of a data intelligence process, and will illustrate its applicability using examples of data analysis and 
visualization processes including some in bioinformatics.

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