Seminar series
Thu, 04 Nov 2010
Jamshid Derakhshan

 In this talk, I will present joint work with Uri Onn, Mark Berman, and Pirita Paajanen.

Let G be a linear algebraic group defined over the integers. Let O be a compact discrete valuation ring with a finite residue field of cardinality q and characteristic p. The group

G(O) has a filtration by congruence subgroups

G_m(O) (which is by definition the kernel of reduction map modulo P^m where P is the maximal ideal of O).

Let c_m=c_m(G(O))  denote the number of conjugacy classes in the finite quotient group G(O)/G_m(O) (which is called the mth congruence quotient of G(O)).  The conjugacy class zeta function of

G(O) is defined to be the Dirichlet series Z_{G(O)}(s)=\sum_{m=0,1,...} c_m q^_{-ms}, where s is a complex number with Re(s)>0. This zeta function was defined by du Sautoy when G is a p-adic analytic group and O=Z_p, the ring of p-adic integers, and he proved that in this case it is a rational function in p^{-s}.  We consider the question of dependence of this zeta function on p and more generally on the ring O.

We prove that for certain algebraic groups, for all compact discrete valuation rings with finite residue field of cardinality q and sufficiently large residue characteristic p, the conjugacy class zeta function is a rational function in q^{-s} which depends only on q and not on the structure of the ring. Note that this applies also to positive characteristic local fields.

A key in the proof is a transfer principle. Let \psi(x) and f(x) be resp.

definable sets and functions in Denef-Pas language.

For a local field K, consider the local integral Z(K,s)=\int_\psi(K)

|f(x)|^s dx, where | | is norm on K and dx normalized absolute value

giving the integers O of K volume 1. Then there is some constant

c=c(f,\psi) such that  for all local fields K of residue characteristic larger than c and residue field of cardinality q, the integral Z(K,s) gives the same rational function in q^{-s} and takes the same value as a complex function of s.

This transfer principle is more general than the specialization to local fields of the special case when there is no additive characters of the motivic transfer principle of Cluckers and Loeser since their result is the case when the integral is zero.

The conjugacy class zeta function is related to the representation zeta function which counts number of irreducible complex representations in each degree (provided there are finitely many or finitely many natural classes) as was shown in the work of Lubotzky and Larsen, and gives information on analytic properties of latter zeta function.

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