Tue, 25 Feb 2014

14:00 - 14:30

Polynomials orthogonal with respect to oscillatory weights

Andreas Asheim
(DAMPT, University of Cambridge)

The classical theory of Gaussian quadrature assumes a positive weight function. This implies many desirable properties of the rule: Guaranteed existence and uniqueness of the orthogonal polynomials whose zeros are the nodes of the rule, nodes that are contained in the interval of integration, as well as positive quadrature weights, which implies that the rule is stable. There has been little research on polynomials that are orthogonal with respect to non-positive weight functions, although these could be interesting for, for example, oscillatory quadrature problems. In this talk I will present some of the few results we have on this, as well as some weird and wonderful conjectures.
Thu, 19 Jan 2012
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Analysis of Global weak solutions for a class of Hydrodynamical Systems describilng Quantum Fluids

Paolo Antonelli
(DAMPT, University of Cambridge)

In this seminar I will expose some results obtained jointly with P. Marcati, concerning the global existence of weak solutions for the Quantum Hydrodynamics System in the space of energy. We don not require any additional regularity and/or smallness assumptions on the initial data. Our approach replaces the WKB formalism with a polar decomposition theory which is not limited by the presence of vacuum regions. In this way we set up a self consistent theory, based only on particle density and current density, which does not need to define velocity fields in the nodal regions. The mathematical techniques we use in this paper are based on uniform (with respect to the approximating parameter) Strichartz estimates and the local smoothing property.

I will then discuss some possible future extensions of the theory.

Thu, 23 Oct 2003

14:00 - 15:00

Computation of highly-oscillatory problems made easy

Prof Arieh Iserles
(DAMPT, University of Cambridge)

Rapidly oscillating problems, whether differential equations or

integrals, ubiquitous in applications, are allegedly difficult to

compute. In this talk we will endeavour to persuade the audience that

this is false: high oscillation, properly understood, is good for

computation! We describe methods for differential equations, based on

Magnus and Neumann expansions of modified systems, whose efficacy

improves in the presence of high oscillation. Likewise, we analyse

generalised Filon quadrature methods, showing that also their error

sharply decreases as the oscillation becomes more rapid.

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