Tue, 01 Dec 2009

17:00 - 18:00

Brascamp-Lieb inequalities and some applications

Neal Bez

I will give an overview of the classical Brascamp-Lieb inequality

from its birth to recent developments. I will discuss certain nonlinear

generalisations of the Brascamp-Lieb inequality and applications of

such inequalities in harmonic and geometric analysis.

Thu, 22 Nov 2007

13:30 - 14:30

From Springer fibres to a cellular algebra and its quasi-hereditary cover

Catharina Stroppel

I will discuss how one can construct nice cellular

algebras using the cohomology of Springer fibres associated with two

block nilpotent matrices (and the convolution product). Their

quasi-hereditary covers can be described via categories of highest

weight modules for the Lie algebra sl(n). The combinatorics of torus

fixed points in the Springer fibre describes decomposition

multiplicities for the corresponding highest weight categories. As a

result one gets a natural subcategory of coherent sheaves on a

resolution of the slice to the corresponding nilpotent orbit.

Thu, 14 Jun 2007


Catharina Stroppel
Tue, 29 May 2007

Logarithmic Frobenius structures

Misha Feigin
  I am going to discuss a special class of logarithmic solutions to WDVV equations. This type of solutions appeared in Seiberg-Witten theory is defined by a finite set of covectors, the V-systems. The V-systems introduced by Veselov have remarkable properties. They contain Coxeter root systems, and they are closed under taking subsystems and restrictions. The corresponding solutions are almost dual in Dubrovin's sense to the Frobenius manifolds structures on the orbit spaces of Coxeter groups and their restrictions to discriminants. Another source of V-systems is generalized root systems. The talk will be based on joint work with Veselov.    
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