Wed, 18 Nov 2020

Introduction to left-orderable groups and formal languages.

Hang Lu Su
(ICMAT Madrid)


I will introduce left-orderable groups and discuss constructions and examples of such groups. I will then motivate studying left-orders under the framework of formal languages and discuss some recent results.

Mon, 24 Nov 2014

12:00 - 13:00

Local moduli for the Strominger system and holomorphic Courant algebroids

Mario Garcia Fernandez
(ICMAT Madrid)

I will give an overview of ongoing joint work with R. Rubio and C. Tipler, in which we study the moduli problem for the Strominger system of equations. Building on the work of De la Ossa and Svanes and, independently, of Anderson, Gray and Sharpe, we construct an elliptic complex whose first cohomology group is the space of infinitesimal deformations of a solution of the strominger system. I will also discuss an intriguing link between this moduli problem and a moduli problem for holomorphic Courant algebroids over Calabi-Yau threefolds. Finally, we will see how the problem for the Strominger system embeds naturally in generalized geometry, and discuss some perspectives of this approach.

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