Mon, 23 Apr 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Numerically Modelling Stochastic Lie Transport in Fluid Dynamics

(Imperial College London)

We present a numerical investigation of stochastic transport for the damped and driven incompressible 2D Euler fluid flows. According to Holm (Proc Roy Soc, 2015) and Cotter et al. (2017), the principles of transformation theory and multi-time homogenisation, respectively, imply a physically meaningful, data-driven approach for decomposing the fluid transport velocity into its drift and stochastic parts, for a certain class of fluid flows. We develop a new methodology to implement this velocity decomposition and then numerically integrate the resulting stochastic partial differential equation using a finite element discretisation. We show our numerical method is consistent.
Numerically, we perform the following analyses on this velocity decomposition. We first perform uncertainty quantification tests on the Lagrangian trajectories by comparing an ensemble of realisations of Lagrangian trajectories driven by the stochastic differential equation, and the Lagrangian trajectory driven by the ordinary differential equation. We then perform uncertainty quantification tests on the resulting stochastic partial differential equation by comparing the coarse-grid realisations of solutions of the stochastic partial differential equation with the ``true solutions'' of the deterministic fluid partial differential equation, computed on a refined grid. In these experiments, we also investigate the effect of varying the ensemble size and the number of prescribed stochastic terms. Further experiments are done to show the uncertainty quantification results "converge" to the truth, as the spatial resolution of the coarse grid is refined, implying our methodology is consistent. The uncertainty quantification tests are supplemented by analysing the L2 distance between the SPDE solution ensemble and the PDE solution. Statistical tests are also done on the distribution of the solutions of the stochastic partial differential equation. The numerical results confirm the suitability of the new methodology for decomposing the fluid transport velocity into its drift and stochastic parts, in the case of damped and driven incompressible 2D Euler fluid flows. This is the first step of a larger data assimilation project which we are embarking on. This is joint work with Colin Cotter, Dan Crisan, Darryl Holm and Igor Shevchenko.

Mon, 26 Feb 2018

15:45 - 16:45

A Support Theorem for Singular Stochastic PDEs

(Imperial College London)

We present a support theorem for subcritical parabolic stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) driven by Gaussian noises. In the spirit of the classical theorem by Stroock and Varadhan for ordinary stochastic differential equations, we identify the support of the solution to singular SPDEs with the closure of the union of the support of solutions to approximate and renormalized equations. We implement our approach in the setting of regularity structures and obtain a general result covering a range of singular SPDEs (including $\Phi^4_3$, $\Phi^d_2$, KPZ, PAM (2D+3D), SHE, ...). As a Corollary to our result we obtain the uniqueness of invariant measures for various interesting SPDEs. This is a joint work with Martin Hairer.

Mon, 26 Feb 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Numerically Modelling Stochastic Lie Transport in Fluid Dynamics

(Imperial College London)

We present a numerical investigation of stochastic transport for the damped and driven incompressible 2D Euler fluid flows. According to Holm (Proc Roy Soc, 2015) and Cotter et al. (2017), the principles of transformation theory and multi-time homogenisation, respectively, imply a physically meaningful, data-driven approach for decomposing the fluid transport velocity into its drift and stochastic parts, for a certain class of fluid flows. We develop a new methodology to implement this velocity decomposition and then numerically integrate the resulting stochastic partial differential equation using a finite element discretisation. We show our numerical method is consistent.
Numerically, we perform the following analyses on this velocity decomposition. We first perform uncertainty quantification tests on the Lagrangian trajectories by comparing an ensemble of realisations of Lagrangian trajectories driven by the stochastic differential equation, and the Lagrangian trajectory driven by the ordinary differential equation. We then perform uncertainty quantification tests on the resulting stochastic partial differential equation by comparing the coarse-grid realisations of solutions of the stochastic partial differential equation with the ``true solutions'' of the deterministic fluid partial differential equation, computed on a refined grid. In these experiments, we also investigate the effect of varying the ensemble size and the number of prescribed stochastic terms. Further experiments are done to show the uncertainty quantification results "converge" to the truth, as the spatial resolution of the coarse grid is refined, implying our methodology is consistent. The uncertainty quantification tests are supplemented by analysing the L2 distance between the SPDE solution ensemble and the PDE solution. Statistical tests are also done on the distribution of the solutions of the stochastic partial differential equation. The numerical results confirm the suitability of the new methodology for decomposing the fluid transport velocity into its drift and stochastic parts, in the case of damped and driven incompressible 2D Euler fluid flows. This is the first step of a larger data assimilation project which we are embarking on. This is joint work with Colin Cotter, Dan Crisan, Darryl Holm and Igor Shevchenko.


Fri, 03 Nov 2017

14:15 - 15:15

Compatible finite element methods for numerical weather prediction

Colin Cotter
(Imperial College London)

I will describe our research on numerical methods for atmospheric dynamical cores based on compatible finite element methods. These methods extend the properties of the Arakawa C-grid to finite element methods by using compatible finite element spaces that respect the elementary identities of vector-calculus. These identities are crucial in demonstrating basic stability properties that are necessary to prevent the spurious numerical degradation of geophysical balances that would otherwise make numerical discretisations unusable for weather and climate prediction without the introduction of undesirable numerical dissipation. The extension to finite element methods allow these properties to be enjoyed on non-orthogonal grids, unstructured multiresolution grids, and with higher-order discretisations. In addition to these linear properties, for the shallow water equations, the compatible finite element structure can also be used to build numerical discretisations that respect conservation of energy, potential vorticity and enstrophy; I will survey these properties. We are currently developing a discretisation of the 3D compressible Euler equations based on this framework in the UK Dynamical Core project (nicknamed "Gung Ho"). The challenge is to design discretisation of the nonlinear operators that remain stable and accurate within the compatible finite element framework. I will survey our progress on this work to date and present some numerical results.

Mon, 16 Oct 2017

14:15 - 15:15

On uniqueness and blowup properties for a class of second order SDES

(Imperial College London)


Abstract. As the first  step for approaching the uniqueness and blowup properties of the solutions of the stochastic wave equations with multi-plicative noise, we analyze the conditions for the uniqueness and blowup properties of the solution (Xt; Yt) of the equations dXt = Ytdt, dYt = jXtj_dBt, (X0; Y0) = (x0; y0). In particular, we prove that solutions arenonunique if 0 < _ < 1 and (x0; y0) = (0; 0) and unique if 1=2 < _ and (x0; y0) 6= (0; 0). We also show that blowup in _nite time holds if _ > 1 and (x0; y0) 6= (0; 0).

This is a joint work with A. Gomez, J.J. Lee, C. Mueller and M. Salins.


Tue, 16 May 2017

12:00 - 13:00

Emergent Locality and Causal States

Sebatian Fischetti
(Imperial College London)

 Locality is not expected to be a fundamental aspect of a full theory of quantum gravity; it should be emergent in an appropriate semiclassical limit.  In the context of general holography, I'll define a new construct - the causal state - which provides a necessary and sufficient condition for a boundary state to have a holographic semiclassical dual causal geometry (and thus be "local").  This definition illuminates some general features of holographic quantum gravity: for instance, I'll show that the emergence of locality is "all or nothing" in the sense that it exhibits features of quantum error correction and quantum secret sharing.  In the special case of AdS/CFT, I'll also argue that the causal state is the natural boundary dual to the so-called causal wedge of a region. 

Tue, 16 May 2017

12:45 - 13:30

Pattern Formation in Non-Local Systems with Cross-Diffusion

Markus Schmidtchen
(Imperial College London)

Multi-agent systems in nature oftentimes exhibit emergent behaviour, i.e. the formation of patterns in the absence of a leader or external stimuli such as light or food sources. We present a non-local two species crossinteraction model with cross-diffusion and explore its long-time behaviour. We observe a rich zoology of behaviours exhibiting phenomena such as mixing and/or segregation of both species and the formation of travelling pulses.

Tue, 06 Jun 2017

Discrete Fourier Analysis and spectral properties

Julio Delgado
(Imperial College London)

We present some recent results on the study of Schatten-von Neumann properties for
 operators on compact manifolds. We will explain the  point of view of kernels and full symbols. In both cases

one relies on a suitable Discrete Fourier analysis depending on the domain.

We will also discuss about operators on $L^p$ spaces by using the notion of nuclear operator in the sense of

Grothendieck and deduce Grothendieck-Lidskii trace formulas in terms of the matrix-symbol. We present examples

 for fractional powers of differential operators.  (Joint work with Michael Ruzhansky)

Mon, 22 May 2017

15:45 - 16:45

A Stratonovich-to-Skorohod conversion formula for integrals with respect to Gaussian rough paths

(Imperial College London)

Lyons’ theory of rough paths allows us to solve stochastic differential equations driven by a Gaussian processes X of finite p-variation. The rough integral of the solutions against X again exists. We show that the solution also belong to the domain of the divergence operator of the Malliavin derivative, so that the 'Skorohod integral' of the solution with respect to X can also be defined. The latter operation has some properties in common with the Ito integral, and a natural question is to find a closed-form conversion formula between this rough integral and its Malliavin divergence. This is particularly useful in applications, where often one wants to compute the (conditional) expectation of the rough integral. In the case of Brownian motion our formula reduces to the classical Stratonovich-to-Ito conversion formula. There is an interesting difference between the formulae obtained in the cases 2<=p<3 and 3<=p<4, and we consider the reasons for this difference. We elaborate on the connection with previous work in which the integrand is generally assumed to be the gradient of a smooth function of X_{t}; we show that our formula can recover these results as special cases. This is joint work with Nengli Lim.

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