Mon, 22 Apr 2024

16:30 - 17:30

The curvature-dimension condition and the measure contraction property in sub-Finsler geometry.

Tommaso Rossi

The curvature-dimension condition, CD(K,N) for short, and the (weaker) measure contraction property, or MCP(K,N), are two synthetic notions for a metric measure space to have Ricci curvature bounded from below by K and dimension bounded from above by N. In this talk, we investigate the validity of these conditions in sub-Finsler geometry, which is a wide generalization of Finsler and sub-Riemannian geometry. Firstly, we show that sub-Finsler manifolds equipped with a smooth strongly convex norm and with a positive smooth measure can not satisfy the CD(K,N) condition for any K and N. Secondly, we focus on the sub-Finsler Heisenberg group, where we show that, on the one hand, the CD(K,N) condition can not hold for any reference norm and, on the other hand, the MCP(K,N) may hold or fail depending on the regularity of the reference norm. 

Mon, 08 Mar 2021

16:00 - 17:00

A backward Ito-Ventzell formula with an application to stochastic interpolation


We discuss a novel backward Ito-Ventzell formula and an extension of the Aleeksev-Gröbner interpolating formula to stochastic flows. We also present some natural spectral conditions that yield direct and simple proofs of time uniform estimates of the difference between the two stochastic flows when their drift and diffusion functions are not the same, yielding what seems to be the first results of this type for this class of  anticipative models.

We illustrate the impact of these results in the context of diffusion perturbation theory, interacting diffusions and discrete time approximations.

Wed, 25 May 2016

Breaking Symmetric Cryptosystems using Quantum Period Finding

Gaëtan Leurent

Due to Shor's algorithm, quantum computers are a severe threat for public key cryptography. This motivated the cryptographic community to search for quantum-safe solutions. On the other hand, the impact of quantum computing on secret key cryptography is much less understood. In this paper, we consider attacks where an adversary can query an oracle implementing a cryptographic primitive in a quantum superposition of different states. This model gives a lot of power to the adversary, but recent results show that it is nonetheless possible to build secure cryptosystems in it.
We study applications of a quantum procedure called Simon's algorithm (the simplest quantum period finding algorithm) in order to attack symmetric cryptosystems in this model. Following previous works in this direction, we show that several classical attacks based on finding collisions can be dramatically sped up using Simon's algorithm: finding a collision requires Ω(2n/2) queries in the classical setting, but when collisions happen with some hidden periodicity, they can be found with only O(n) queries in the quantum model.
We obtain attacks with very strong implications. First, we show that the most widely used modes of operation for authentication and authenticated encryption (e.g. CBC-MAC, PMAC, GMAC, GCM, and OCB) are completely broken in this security model. Our attacks are also applicable to many CAESAR candidates: CLOC, AEZ, COPA, OTR, POET, OMD, and Minalpher. This is quite surprising compared to the situation with encryption modes: Anand et al. show that standard modes are secure when using a quantum-secure PRF.
Second, we show that slide attacks can also be sped up using Simon's algorithm. This is the first exponential speed up of a classical symmetric cryptanalysis technique in the quantum model.

Thu, 27 Nov 2014

16:00 - 17:30

SDEs with weighted local times and discontinuous coefficients, transmission boundary conditions for semilinear PDEs, and related BSDEs

Professor Denis Talay

(Denis Talay, Inria — joint works with N. Champagnat, N. Perrin, S. Niklitschek Soto)

In this lecture we present recent results on SDEs with weighted local times and discontinuous coefficients. Their solutions allow one to construct probabilistic interpretations of  semilinear PDEs with discontinuous coefficients and transmission boundary conditions in terms of BSDEs which do not satisfy classical conditions.

Mon, 19 May 2014

14:15 - 15:15
Oxford-Man Institute

A cascading mean-field interacting particle system describing neuronal behaviour.


We will introduce a particle system interacting through a mean-field term that models the behavior of a network of excitatory neurons. The novel feature of the system is that the it features a threshold dynamic: when a single particle reaches a threshold, it is reset while all the others receive an instantaneous kick. We show that in the limit when the size of the system becomes infinite, the resulting non-standard equation of McKean Vlasov type has a solution that may exhibit a blow-up phenomenon depending on the strength of the interaction, whereby a single particle reaching the threshold may cause a macroscopic cascade. We moreover show that the particle system does indeed exhibit propagation of chaos, and propose a new way to give sense to a solution after a blow-up.

This is based on joint research with F. Delarue (Nice), E. Tanré (INRIA) and S. Rubenthaler (Nice).

Mon, 02 Jun 2008
Oxford-Man Institute

Confined Lagrangian SDES with Eulerian Dirichlet conditions

Dr Mireille Bossy

We construct a kinetic SDE in the state variables (position,velocity), where the spatial dependency in the drift term of the velocity equation is a conditional expectation with respect to the position. Those systems are introduced in fluid mechanic by S. B. Pope and are used in the simulation of complex turbulent flows. Such simulation approach is known as Probability Density Function (PDF) method .

We construct a PDF method applied to a dynamical downscaling problem to generate fine scale wind : we consider a bounded domain D. A weather prediction model solves the wind field at the boundary of D (coarse resolution). In D, we adapt a Lagrangian model to the atmospheric flow description and we construct a particles algorithm to solve it (fine resolution).

In the second part of the talk, we give a (partial) construction of a Lagrangian SDE confined in a given domain and such that the corresponding Eulerian velocity at the boundary is given. This problem is related to stochastic impact problem and existence of trace at the boundary for the McKean-Vlasov equations with specular boundary condition

Thu, 01 Nov 2007

14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot

Communication avoiding algorithms for dense LU and QR factorizations

Dr Laura Grigori

We present algorithms for dense LU and QR factorizations that minimize the cost of communication. One of today's challenging technology trends is the increased communication cost. This trend predicts that arithmetic will continue to improve exponentially faster than bandwidth, and bandwidth exponentially faster than latency. The new algorithms for dense QR and LU factorizations greatly reduce the amount of time spent communicating, relative to conventional algorithms.

This is joint work with James Demmel, Mark Hoemmen, Julien Langou, and Hua Xiang.

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