Tue, 16 Jan 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Heights of random trees

Louigi Addario-Berry
(McGill University)

A rooted tree $T$ has degree sequence $(d_1,\ldots,d_n)$ if $T$ has vertex set $[n]$ and vertex $i$ has $d_i$ children for each $i$ in $[n]$. 

I will describe a line-breaking construction of random rooted trees with given degree sequences, as well as a way of coupling random trees with different degree sequences that also couples their heights to one another. 

The construction and the coupling have several consequences, and I'll try to explain some of these in the talk.

First, let $T$ be a branching process tree with criticalmean oneoffspring distribution, and let $T_n$ have the law of $T$ conditioned to have size $n$. Then the following both hold.
1) $\operatorname{height}(T_n)/\log(n)$ tends to infinity in probability. 
2) If the offspring distribution has infinite variance then $\operatorname{height}(T_n)/n^{1/2}$ tends to $0$ in probability. This result settles a conjecture of Svante Janson.

The next two statements relate to random rooted trees with given degree sequences. 
1) For any $\varepsilon > 0$ there is $C > 0$ such that the following holds. If $T$ is a random tree with degree sequence $(d_1,\ldots,d_n)$ and at least $\varepsilon n$ leaves, then $\mathbb{E}(\operatorname{height}(T)) < C \sqrt{n}$. 
2) Consider any random tree $T$ with a fixed degree sequence such that $T$ has no vertices with exactly one child. Then $\operatorname{height}(T)$ is stochastically less than $\operatorname{height}(B)$, where $B$ is a random binary tree of the same size as $T$ (or size one greater, if $T$ has even size). 

This is based on joint work with Serte Donderwinkel and Igor Kortchemski.

Wed, 20 Oct 2021

16:00 - 17:00

Proper CAT(0) actions of unipotent-free linear groups

Sami Douba
(McGill University)

Button observed that finitely generated linear groups containing no nontrivial unipotent matrices behave much like groups admitting proper actions by semisimple isometries on complete CAT(0) spaces. It turns out that any finitely generated linear group possesses an action on such a space whose restrictions to unipotent-free subgroups are in some sense tame. We discuss this phenomenon and some of its implications for the representation theory of certain 3-manifold groups.

Mon, 17 May 2021

15:45 - 16:45

Tail equivalence of unicorn paths

Piotr Przytycki
(McGill University)

Let S be an orientable surface of finite type. Using Pho-On's infinite unicorn paths, we prove the hyperfiniteness of the orbit equivalence relation coming from the action of the mapping class group of S on the Gromov boundary of the arc graph of S. This is joint work with Marcin Sabok.

Thu, 28 Jan 2021

Spontaneous periodic orbits in the Navier-Stokes flow via computer-assisted proofs

Jean-Philippe Lessard
(McGill University)
In this talk, we introduce a general method to obtain constructive proofs of existence of periodic orbits in the forced autonomous Navier-Stokes equations on the three-torus. After introducing a zero finding problem posed on a Banach space of geometrically decaying Fourier coefficients, a Newton-Kantorovich theorem is applied to obtain the (computer-assisted) proofs of existence. As applications, we present proofs of existence of spontaneous periodic orbits in the Navier-Stokes equations with Taylor-Green forcing.


A link for this talk will be sent to our mailing list a day or two in advance.  If you are not on the list and wish to be sent a link, please contact @email.

Tue, 17 Jun 2014

14:30 - 15:30

Growing random trees, maps, and squarings

Louigi Addario-Berry
(McGill University)

We use a growth procedure for binary trees due to Luczak and Winkler, a bijection between binary trees and irreducible quadrangulations of the hexagon due to Fusy, Poulalhon and Schaeffer, and the classical angular mapping between quadrangulations and maps, to define a growth procedure for maps. The growth procedure is local, in that every map is obtained from its predecessor by an operation that only modifies vertices lying on a common face with some fixed vertex. The sequence of maps has an almost sure limit G; we show that G is the distributional local limit of large, uniformly random 3-connected graphs.
A classical result of Brooks, Smith, Stone and Tutte associates squarings of rectangles to edge-rooted planar graphs. Our map growth procedure induces a growing sequence of squarings, which we show has an almost sure limit: an infinite squaring of a finite rectangle, which almost surely has a unique point of accumulation. We know almost nothing about the limit, but it should be in some way related to "Liouville quantum gravity".
Parts joint with Nicholas Leavitt.

Tue, 03 Dec 2013

14:30 - 15:30

How many edges are needed to force an $H$-minor?

Bruce Reed
(McGill University)

We consider the parameter $a(H)$, which is the smallest a such that if $|E(G)|$ is at least/exceeds $a|V(H)|/2$ then $G$ has an $H$-minor. We are especially interested in sparse $H$ and in bounding $a(H)$ as a function of $|E(H)|$ and $|V(H)|$. This is joint work with David Wood.

Thu, 05 Jan 2012

11:30 - 12:30
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Orthogonality and stability in large matrix iterative algorithms

Professor Chris Paige
(McGill University)

Many iterative algorithms for large sparse matrix problems are based on orthogonality (or $A$-orthogonality, bi-orthogonality, etc.), but these properties can be lost very rapidly using vector orthogonalization (subtracting multiples of earlier supposedly orthogonal vectors from the latest vector to produce the next orthogonal vector). Yet many of these algorithms are some of the best we have for very large sparse problems, such as Conjugate Gradients, Lanczos' method for the eigenproblem, Golub and Kahan bidiagonalization, and MGS-GMRES.



Here we describe an ideal form of orthogonal matrix that arises from any sequence of supposedly orthogonal vectors. We illustrate some of its fascinating properties, including a beautiful measure of orthogonality of the original set of vectors. We will indicate how the ideal orthogonal matrix leads to expressions for new concepts of stability of such iterative algorithm. These are expansions of the concept of backward stability for matrix transformation algorithms that was so effectively developed and applied by J. H. Wilkinson (FRS). The resulting new expressions can be used to understand the subtle and effective performance of some (and hopefully eventually all) of these iterative algorithms.

Mon, 30 Jan 2012

12:00 - 13:00

Singularity structure and massless dyons of pure N = 2, d = 4 theories with SU(r+1) and Sp(2r) gauge groups

Jihye Seo
(McGill University)

We study pure Seiberg-Witten theories with $SU(r+1)$ and $Sp(2r)$ gauge groups with no flavors. We study singularity loci of moduli space of the Seiberg-Witten curve. Using exterior derivative and discriminant operators, we can find Argyres-Douglas loci of the SW theory. We also compute BPS charges of the massless dyons of $SU$ and $Sp$ SW theory. In a detailed example of $C_2=Sp(4)$, we find 6 points in the moduli space where we have 2 massless BPS dyons, and 3 of them give Argyres-Douglas loci. We show that BPS charges of the massless dyons jump as we go across Argyres-Douglas loci, giving an explicit example of Argyres-Douglas loci living inside the wall of marginal stability. (Based on work in progress with Keshav Dasgupta)

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