Wed, 26 Feb 2014

Point versus set topology: constructing examples by splitting points

Mike Reed

The main result is to give a separable, Cech-complete, 0-dimensional Moore space that is not Scott-domain representable. This result answered questions in the literature; it is known that each complete mertrisable space is Scott-domain representable. The talk will give a history of the techniques involved.

Tue, 25 May 2010

14:30 - 15:30

Embedding spanning graphs into dense and sparse graphs

Anusch Taraz

In this talk we will first survey results which guarantee the existence of

spanning subgraphs in dense graphs. This will lead us to the proof of the

bandwidth-conjecture by Bollobas and Komlos, which states that any graph

with minimum degree at least $(1-1/r+\epsilon)n$ contains every r-chromatic graph

with bounded maximum degree and sublinear bandwidth as a spanning subgraph.

We will then move on to discuss the analogous question for a host graph that

is obtained by starting from a sparse random graph G(n,p) and deleting a

certain portion of the edges incident at every vertex.

This is joint work with J. Boettcher, Y. Kohayakawa and M. Schacht.

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