Thu, 29 Feb 2024

17:00 - 18:00

Omega-categorical groups and Lie algebras

Christian d'Elbée
(School of Mathematics, University of Leeds)

A structure is omega-categorical if its theory has a unique countable model (up to isomorphism). We will survey some old results concerning the Apps-Wilson structure theory for omega-categorical groups and state a conjecture of Wilson from the 80s on omega-categorical characteristically simple groups. We will also discuss the analogous of Wilson’s conjecture for Lie algebras and present some connections with the restricted Burnside problem.

Fri, 02 Dec 2016

Wetropolis flood demonstrator

Onno Bokhove
(School of Mathematics, University of Leeds)

The mathematical design of the table flood demonstrator Wetropolis will be presented. Wetropolis illustrates the concepts of extreme rainfall and flooding.

It shows how extreme rainfall events  can cause flooding of a city due to groundwater and river flood peaks. Rainfall is supplied randomly in space using four outcomes (in a reservoir, on a moor, at both places or nowhere) and randomly in time using four rainfall intensities (1s, 2s, 4s, or 9s during a 10s Wetropolis day), including one extreme event, via two skew-symmetric discrete probability distributions visualised by two Galton boards. Wetropolis can be used for both public outreach and as scientific testing environment for flood mitigation and data assimilation.

More information:

Mon, 22 Nov 2004
DH 3rd floor SR

Invariant measures of Markov diffusions and approximations

Professor Alexander Yu Veretennikov
(School of Mathematics, University of Leeds)

Ergodic Markov processes possess invariant measures. In the case if transition probabilities or SDE coefficients depend on a parameter, it is important to know whether these measures depend regularly on this parameter. Results of this kind will be discussed. Another close topic is whether approximations to Markov diffusions possess ergodic properties similar to those of the limiting processes. Some partial answer to this question will be presented.

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