Thu, 25 Oct 2018

14:00 - 15:00

Augmented Arnoldi-Tikhonov Methods for Ill-posed Problems

Prof Kirk Soodhalter
(Trinity College Dublin)

lll-posed problems arise often in the context of scientific applications in which one cannot directly observe the object or quantity of interest. However, indirect observations or measurements can be made, and the observable data $y$ can be represented as the wanted observation $x$ being acted upon by an operator $\mathcal{A}$. Thus we want to solve the operator equation \begin{equation}\label{eqn.Txy} \mathcal{A} x = y, \end{equation} (1) often formulated in some Hilbert space $H$ with $\mathcal{A}:H\rightarrow H$ and $x,y\in H$. The difficulty then is that these problems are generally ill-posed, and thus $x$ does not depend continuously on the on the right-hand side. As $y$ is often derived from measurements, one has instead a perturbed $y^{\delta}$ such that ${y - y^{\delta}}_{H}<\delta$. Thus due to the ill-posedness, solving (1) with $y^{\delta}$ is not guaranteed to produce a meaningful solution. One such class of techniques to treat such problems are the Tikhonov-regularization methods. One seeks in reconstructing the solution to balance fidelity to the data against size of some functional evaluation of the reconstructed image (e.g., the norm of the reconstruction) to mitigate the effects of the ill-posedness. For some $\lambda>0$, we solve \begin{equation}\label{eqn.tikh} x_{\lambda} = \textrm{argmin}_{\widetilde{x}\in H}\left\lbrace{\left\|{b - A\widetilde{x}} \right\|_{H}^{2} + \lambda \left\|{\widetilde{x}}\right\|_{H}^{2}} \right\rbrace. \end{equation} In this talk, we discuss some new strategies for treating discretized versions of this problem. Here, we consider a discreditized, finite dimensional version of (1), \begin{equation}\label{eqn.Axb} Ax =  b \mbox{ with }  A\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\mbox{ and } b\in\mathbb{R}^{n}, \end{equation} which inherits a discrete version of ill conditioning from [1]. We propose methods built on top of the Arnoldi-Tikhonov method of Lewis and Reichel, whereby one builds the Krylov subspace \begin{equation}
\mathcal{K}_{j}(\vek A,\vek w) = {\rm span\,}\curl{\vek w,\vek A\vek w,\vek A^{2}\vek w,\ldots,\vek A^{j-1}\vek w}\mbox{ where } \vek w\in\curl{\vek b,\vek A\vek b}
and solves the discretized Tikhonov minimization problem projected onto that subspace. We propose to extend this strategy to setting of augmented Krylov subspace methods. Thus, we project onto a sum of subspaces of the form $\mathcal{U} + \mathcal{K}_{j}$ where $\mathcal{U}$ is a fixed subspace and $\mathcal{K}_{j}$ is a Krylov subspace. It turns out there are multiple ways to do this leading to different algorithms. We will explain how these different methods arise mathematically and demonstrate their effectiveness on a few example problems. Along the way, some new mathematical properties of the Arnoldi-Tikhonov method are also proven.

Tue, 25 Oct 2016

12:00 - 13:15

On The Four-Loop Form Factors Of Massless QCD

Robert Schabinger
(Trinity College Dublin)

In this talk, we discuss an ongoing calculation of the
four-loop form factors in massless QCD. We begin by discussing our
novel approach to the calculation in detail. Of particular interest
are a new polynomial-time integration by parts reduction algorithm and
a new method to algebraically resolve the IR and UV singularities of
dimensionally-regulated bare perturbative scattering amplitudes.
Although not all integral topologies are linearly reducible for the
more non-trivial color structures, it is nevertheless feasible to
obtain accurate numerical results for the finite parts of the complete
four-loop form factors using publicly available sector decomposition
programs and bases of finite integrals. Finally, we present first
results for the four-loop gluon form factor Feynman diagrams which
contain three closed fermion loops.

Mon, 01 Dec 2014

12:00 - 13:00

High-loop perturbative QFT from integrability

Dmytro Volin
(Trinity College Dublin)

The planar N=4 SYM is believed to be integrable. Following this thoroughly justified belief, its exact spectrum had been encoded recently into a quantum spectral curve (QSC). We can explicitly solve the QSC in various regimes; in particular, one can perform a highly-efficient weak coupling expansion.

I will explain how QSC looks like for the harmonic oscillator and then, using this analogy, introduce the QSC equations for the SYM spectrum. We will use these equations to compute a particular 6-loop conformal dimension in real time and then discuss explicit results (found up to 10-loop orders) as well as some general statements about the answer at any loop-order.

Mon, 10 Mar 2014

12:00 - 13:00

Hexagon functions and six-particle amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills

James Drummond
(Trinity College Dublin)
We describe the analytic properties of scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory, with the focus on high order corrections to the six-particle MHV amplitude. By making an ansatz for the analytic structure and imposing physical constraints, including matching the BFKL expansion in multi-Regge kinematics and the operator product expansion for the dual Wilson loop in the near-collinear regime, we are able to explicitly construct the amplitude to four loops in perturbation theory.
Mon, 24 Feb 2014

12:00 - 13:00

World-Sheet Form Factors in AdS/CFT

Tristan McLoughlin
(Trinity College Dublin)
The study of the world-sheet S-matrix for AdS_5 x S^5 strings was a key step in the complete determination of the spectrum of anomalous dimensions for planar N=4 super-Yang-Mills. To go beyond the spectral problem it is important to consider higher-point worldsheet correlation functions and, as is standard in many integrable models, one approach is the study of form factors. We will discuss the all-order functional equations that these objects must obey, their perturbative computation and their connection to four-dimensional gauge theory three-point functions.
Tue, 22 Oct 2013

17:00 - 18:25

The Dauns-Hofmann Theorem and tensor products of C*-algebras

David McConnell
(Trinity College Dublin)

The problem of representing a (non-commutative) C*-algebra $A$ as the

algebra of sections of a bundle of C*-algebras over a suitable base

space may be viewed as that of finding a non-commutative Gelfand-Naimark

theorem. The space $\mathrm{Prim}(A)$ of primitive ideals of $A$, with

its hull-kernel topology, arises as a natural candidate for the base

space. One major obstacle is that $\mathrm{Prim}(A)$ is rarely

sufficiently well-behaved as a topological space for this purpose. A

theorem of Dauns and Hofmann shows that any C*-algebra $A$ may be

represented as the section algebra of a C*-bundle over the complete

regularisation of $\mathrm{Prim}(A)$, which is identified in a natural

way with a space of ideals known as the Glimm ideals of $A$, denoted


In the case of the minimal tensor product $A \otimes B$ of two

C*-algebras $A$ and $B$, we show how $\mathrm{Glimm}(A \otimes B)$ may

be constructed in terms of $\mathrm{Glimm}(A)$ and $\mathrm{Glimm} (B)$.

As a consequence, we describe the associated C*-bundle representation of

$A \otimes B$ over this space, and discuss properties of this bundle

where exactness of $A$ plays a decisive role.

Wed, 24 Oct 2007

12:00 - 13:00

<strong>(Note unusual day)</strong> Bows and Quivers: Instantons on ALF Spaces

Sergey Cherkis
(Trinity College Dublin)
Abstract: Self-dual connections on ALF spaces can be encoded in terms of bow diagrams, which are natural generalizations of quivers. This provides a convenient description of the moduli spaces of these self-dual connections. We make some comments about the associated twistor data. Via the Nahm transform we construct two explicit examples: a single instanton and a single monopole on a Taub-NUT space.
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