Tue, 08 Feb 2022

16:00 - 17:00

Nowhere scattered C*-algebras

Eduard Vilalta
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Scattered topological spaces and their C*-analogs, known as scattered
C*-algebras, have been studied since the 70's and admit a number of
interesting characterizations. In this talk, I will define nowhere
scattered C*-algebras as, informally, those C*-algebras that are very
far from being scattered. I will then characterize this property in
various ways, such as the absence of nonzero elementary ideal-quotients,
topological properties of the spectrum, and divisibility properties in
the Cuntz semigroup. Further, I will also show that these divisibility
properties can be strengthened in the real rank zero or the stable rank
one case.

The talk is based on joint work with Hannes Thiel.

Mon, 22 Nov 2010

17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR

Keller-Segel, Fast-Diffusion and Functional Inequalities

Jose Carillo de la Plata
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

It will be shown how the critical mass classical Keller-Segel system and

the critical displacement convex fast-diffusion equation in two

dimensions are related. On one hand, the critical fast diffusion

entropy functional helps to show global existence around equilibrium

states of the critical mass Keller-Segel system. On the other hand, the

critical fast diffusion flow allows to show functional inequalities such

as the Logarithmic HLS inequality in simple terms who is essential in the

behavior of the subcritical mass Keller-Segel system. HLS inequalities can

also be recovered in several dimensions using this procedure. It is

crucial the relation to the GNS inequalities obtained by DelPino and

Dolbeault. This talk corresponds to two works in preparation together

with E. Carlen and A. Blanchet, and with E. Carlen and M. Loss.

Thu, 18 Nov 2010

16:00 - 17:30
DH 1st floor SR

On some kinetic equations of swarming

José Antonio Carrillo de la Plata
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

A kinetic theory for swarming systems of interacting individuals will be described with and without noise. Starting from the the particle model \cite{DCBC}, one can construct solutions to a kinetic equation for the single particle probability distribution function using distances between measures \cite{dobru}. Analogously, we will discuss the mean-field limit for these problems with noise.

We will also present and analys the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the continuous kinetic version of flocking by Cucker and Smale The large-time behavior of the distribution in phase space is subsequently studied by means of particle approximations and a stability property in distances between measures. It will be shown that the solutions concentrate exponentially fast their velocity to their mean while in space they will converge towards a translational flocking solution.

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