Mon, 05 Dec 2022

Elliptic curves with isomorphic mod 12 Galois representations

Samuel Frengley
(University of Cambridge (DPMMS))

A pair of elliptic curves is said to be $N$-congruent if their mod $N$ Galois representations are isomorphic. We will discuss a construction of the moduli spaces of $N$-congruent elliptic curves, due to Kani--Schanz, and describe how this can be exploited to compute explicit equations. Finally we will outline a proof that there exist infinitely many pairs of elliptic curves with isomorphic mod $12$ Galois representations, building on previous work of Chen and Fisher (in the case where the underlying isomorphism of torsion subgroups respects the Weil pairing).

Fri, 31 Jan 2014

16:30 - 17:30

The Surface Subgroup Problem

Professor Vladimir Markovic
(University of Cambridge (DPMMS))

The surface subgroup problem asks whether a given group contains a subgroup that is isomorphic to the fundamental group of a closed surface. In this talk I will survey the role that the surface subgroup problem plays in some important solved and unsolved problems in the theory of 3-manifolds, the geometric group theory, and the theory of arithmetic manifolds.

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