Thu, 05 Nov 2020

Modeling and simulation of fluidic surfaces

Maxim Olshanskii
(University of Houston)

We briefly review mathematical models of viscous deformable interfaces (such as plasma membranes) leading to fluid equations posed on (evolving) 2D surfaces embedded in $R^3$. We further report on some recent advances in understanding and numerical simulation of the resulting fluid systems using an unfitted finite element method.


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Fri, 13 Jun 2014

10:30 - 11:30

Fluid-Composite Structure Interaction Problems

Prof. Suncica Canic
(University of Houston)

Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems arise in many applications. The widely known examples are aeroelasticity and biofluids.

In biofluidic applications, such as, e.g., the study of interaction between blood flow and cardiovascular tissue, the coupling between the fluid and the

relatively light structure is {highly nonlinear} because the density of the structure and the density of the fluid are roughly the same.

In such problems, the geometric nonlinearities of the fluid-structure interface

and the significant exchange in the energy between a moving fluid and a structure

require sophisticated ideas for the study of their solutions.

In the blood flow application, the problems are further exacerbated by the fact that the walls of major arteries are composed of several layers, each with

different mechanical characteristics.

No results exist so far that analyze solutions to fluid-structure interaction problems in which the structure is composed of several different layers.

In this talk we make a first step in this direction by presenting a program to study the {\bf existence and numerical simulation} of solutions

for a class of problems

describing the interaction between a multi-layered, composite structure, and the flow of an incompressible, viscous fluid,

giving rise to a fully coupled, {\bf nonlinear moving boundary, fluid-multi-structure interaction problem.}

A stable, modular, loosely coupled scheme will be presented, and an existence proof

showing the convergence of the numerical scheme to a weak solution to the fully nonlinear FSI problem will be discussed.

Our results reveal a new physical regularizing mechanism in

FSI problems: the inertia of the fluid-structure interface regularizes the evolution of the FSI solution.

All theoretical results will be illustrated with numerical examples.

This is a joint work with Boris Muha (University of Zagreb, Croatia, and with Martina Bukac, University of Pittsburgh and Notre Dame University).

Mon, 10 Oct 2005

Coupled Systems: Theory and Examples

Martin Golubitsky
(University of Houston)
A coupled cell system is a collection of interacting dynamical systems.
Coupled cell models assume that the output from each cell is important and that signals from two or more cells can be compared so that patterns of synchrony can emerge. We ask: How much of the qualitative dynamics observed in coupled cells is the product of network architecture and how much depends on the specific equations?

The ideas will be illustrated through a series of examples and theorems. One theorem classifies spatio-temporal symmetries of periodic solutions and a second gives necessary and sufficient conditions for synchrony in terms of network architecture.
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