Sun, 30 Jan 2022

17:30 - 18:30

Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Tim Harford - Schooled by Randomness

Tim Harford
((Oxford University))
Further Information

Oxford Mathematics in partnership with Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment: Bach, the Universe & Everything

Schooled by Randomness
Sunday 30 January 2022, 5:30-6.30pm
Mathematical Institute, Woodstock Road, OX2 6GG

The Science: Tim Harford
There’s been a mistake. The venue has provided the wrong piano. The black notes are sticking, the white notes are out of tune, the pedals don’t work and the instrument itself is just too small. What do you do? Tim Harford talks about how random obstacles and frustrations can inspire us to be more creative.

The Music: J.S. Bach
BWV 81 Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen? (Jesus sleeps, what shall I hope for?). Today’s cantata draws upon those moments in life when confusing and random obstacles in our path make us fear for the future and we need to be shown a way out.

Bach, the Universe & Everything is a collaborative music and maths event between Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Oxford Mathematics. Through a series of thought-provoking Bach cantatas, readings and talks from leading Oxford thinkers, we seek to create a community similar to the one that Bach enjoyed in Leipzig until 1750.

Buy tickets here (£15)

Thu, 02 Dec 2021

14:00 - 15:30

Toric Geometry

Andrea Boido
((Oxford University))
Further Information

Junior strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Thu, 25 Nov 2021

14:00 - 15:30

CFT at finite temperature

Enrico Marchetto
((Oxford University))
Further Information

Junior strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research area. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Mon, 17 Jan 2022

Brane quantization of Toric Poisson varieties

Francis Bischoff
((Oxford University))

The homogeneous coordinate ring of a projective variety may be constructed by geometrically quantizing the multiples of a symplectic form, using the complex structure as a polarization. In this talk, I will explain how a holomorphic Poisson structure allows us to deform the complex polarization into a generalized complex structure, leading to a non-commutative deformation of the homogeneous coordinate ring. The main tool is a conjectural construction of a category of generalized complex branes, which makes use of the A-model of an associated symplectic groupoid. I will explain this in the example of toric Poisson varieties. This is joint work with Marco Gualtieri (arXiv:2108.01658).

Thu, 18 Nov 2021

Mock Modular Forms

Palash Singh
((Oxford University))
Further Information

Junior strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research areas. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Thu, 11 Nov 2021

Higher Form Symmetries: Part 2

Dewi Gould
((Oxford University))
Further Information

Junior strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of common interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research areas. This is primarily aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Thu, 04 Nov 2021

Higher Form Symmetries: Part 1

Mateo Galdeano
((Oxford University))
Further Information

Junior strings is a seminar series where DPhil students present topics of comment interest that do not necessarily overlap with their own research areas. This is primarly aimed at PhD students and post-docs but everyone is welcome.

Mon, 22 Nov 2021

M-theory, enumerative geometry, and representation theory of affine Lie algebras

Dylan Butson
((Oxford University))
Further Information

Note unusual time (1pm) and room (L2)


 I will review some well-established relationships between four manifolds and vertex algebras that can be deduced from studying the M5-brane worldvolume theory, and outline some of the corresponding results in mathematics which have been understood so far. I will then describe a proposal of Gaiotto-Rapcak to generalize these ideas to the setting of multiple M5 branes wrapping divisors in toric Calabi-Yau threefolds, and explain work in progress on understanding the mathematical implications of this proposal as a complex network of relationships between the enumerative geometry of sheaves on threefolds and the representation theory of affine Lie algebras.

Mon, 15 Nov 2021


Huaxin (Henry) Liu
((Oxford University))


Sun, 21 Nov 2021

17:30 - 18:30

Oxford Mathematics and Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment: Bach, the Universe & Everything - Can you hear the shape of a drum?

Jon Chapman
((Oxford University))
Further Information

Can you hear the shape of a drum? 

Discover the answer to this pressing question and more in the new series of Bach, the Universe & Everything. This secular Sunday series is a collaborative music and maths event between the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Oxford Mathematics. Through a series of thought-provoking Bach cantatas, readings and talks from leading Oxford thinkers, we seek to create a community similar to the one that Bach enjoyed in Leipzig until 1750.

Book tickets here: £15


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