Wed, 24 Jan 2018

On Approximating the Covering Radius and Finding Dense Lattice Subspaces

Daniel Dadush
(CWI Amsterdam)

Integer programming, the problem of finding an optimal integer solution satisfying linear constraints, is one of the most fundamental problems in discrete optimization. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss the important open problem of whether there exists a single exponential time algorithm for solving a general n variable integer program, where the best current algorithm requires n^{O(n)} time. I will use this to motivate a beautiful conjecture of Kannan & Lovasz (KL) regarding how "flat" convex bodies not containing integer points must be.

The l_2 case of KL was recently resolved in breakthrough work by Regev & Davidowitz `17, who proved a more general "Reverse Minkowski" theorem which gives an effective way of bounding lattice point counts inside any ball around the origin as a function of sublattice determinants. In both cases, they prove the existence of certain "witness" lattice subspaces in a non-constructive way that explains geometric parameters of the lattice. In this work, as my first result, I show how to make these results constructive in 2^{O(n)} time, i.e. which can actually find these witness subspaces, using discrete Gaussian sampling techniques. As a second main result, I show an improved complexity characterization for approximating the covering radius of a lattice, i.e. the farthest distance of any point in space to the lattice. In particular, assuming the slicing conjecture, I show that this problem is in coNP for constant approximation factor, which improves on the corresponding O(log^{3/2} n) approximation factor given by Regev & Davidowitz's proof of the l_2 KL conjecture.

Wed, 11 May 2016

The monogamy of entanglement, and applications to quantum cryptography

Serge Fehr
(CWI Amsterdam)

One of the peculiar features of quantum mechanics is
entanglement. It is known that entanglement is monogamous in the sense
that a quantum system can only be strongly entangled to one other
system. In this talk, I will show how this so-called monogamy of
entanglement can be captured and quantified by a "game". We show that,
in this particular game, the monogamy completely "cancels out" the
advantage of entanglement.
As an application of our analysis, we show that - in theory - the
standard BB84 quantum-key-distribution scheme is one-sided
device-independent, meaning that one of the parties, say Bob, does not
need to trust his quantum measurement device: security is guaranteed
even if his device is completely malicious.
The talk will be fully self-contained; no prior knowledge on quantum
mechanics/cryptography is necessary.

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