Thu, 20 May 2021

16:00 - 17:00

Distribution Free, Anytime-Valid Tests for Elicitable Functionals Distribution Free, Anytime-Valid Tests for Elicitable Functionals

((ETH) Zurich)


Abstract: We consider the problem of testing statistical hypotheses and building confidence sequences for elicitable and identifiable functionals, a broad class of statistics which are of particular interest in the field of quantitative risk management. Assuming a sequential testing framework in which data is collected in sequence, where a user may choose to accept or reject a hypothesis at any point in time, we provide powerful distribution-free and anytime-valid testing methods which rely on controlled test supermartingales. Leveraging tools from online convex optimization, we show that tests can be optimized to improve their statistical power, with asymptotic guarantees for rejecting false hypotheses. By "inverting the test", these methods are extended to the task of confidence sequence building. Lastly, we implement these techniques on a range of simple examples to demonstrate their effectiveness.





Mon, 07 Dec 2020

16:00 - 17:00

"Efficient approximation of high-dimensional functions with neural networks”

((ETH) Zurich)

We develop a framework for showing that neural networks can overcome the curse of dimensionality in different high-dimensional approximation problems. Our approach is based on the notion of a catalog network, which is a generalization of a standard neural network in which the nonlinear activation functions can vary from layer to layer as long as they are chosen from a predefined catalog of functions. As such, catalog networks constitute a rich family of continuous functions. We show that under appropriate conditions on the catalog, catalog networks can efficiently be approximated with ReLU-type networks and provide precise estimates on the number of parameters needed for a given approximation accuracy. As special cases of the general results, we obtain different classes of functions that can be approximated with ReLU networks without the curse of dimensionality. 


A preprint is here:

Thu, 20 Jun 2019

14:00 - 15:00

Overcoming the curse of dimensionality: from nonlinear Monte Carlo to deep artificial neural networks

Professor Arnulf Jentzen
((ETH) Zurich)

Partial differential equations (PDEs) are among the most universal tools used in modelling problems in nature and man-made complex systems. For example, stochastic PDEs are a fundamental ingredient in models for nonlinear filtering problems in chemical engineering and weather forecasting, deterministic Schroedinger PDEs describe the wave function in a quantum physical system, deterministic Hamiltonian-Jacobi-Bellman PDEs are employed in operations research to describe optimal control problems where companys aim to minimise their costs, and deterministic Black-Scholes-type PDEs are highly employed in portfolio optimization models as well as in state-of-the-art pricing and hedging models for financial derivatives. The PDEs appearing in such models are often high-dimensional as the number of dimensions, roughly speaking, corresponds to the number of all involved interacting substances, particles, resources, agents, or assets in the model. For instance, in the case of the above mentioned financial engineering models the dimensionality of the PDE often corresponds to the number of financial assets in the involved hedging portfolio. Such PDEs can typically not be solved explicitly and it is one of the most challenging tasks in applied mathematics to develop approximation algorithms which are able to approximatively compute solutions of high-dimensional PDEs. Nearly all approximation algorithms for PDEs in the literature suffer from the so-called "curse of dimensionality" in the sense that the number of required computational operations of the approximation algorithm to achieve a given approximation accuracy grows exponentially in the dimension of the considered PDE. With such algorithms it is impossible to approximatively compute solutions of high-dimensional PDEs even when the fastest currently available computers are used. In the case of linear parabolic PDEs and approximations at a fixed space-time point, the curse of dimensionality can be overcome by means of Monte Carlo approximation algorithms and the Feynman-Kac formula. In this talk we introduce new nonlinear Monte Carlo algorithms for high-dimensional nonlinear PDEs. We prove that such algorithms do indeed overcome the curse of dimensionality in the case of a general class of semilinear parabolic PDEs and we thereby prove, for the first time, that a general semilinear parabolic PDE with a nonlinearity depending on the PDE solution can be solved approximatively without the curse of dimensionality.

Mon, 19 Nov 2018

14:15 - 15:15

Hedging derivatives under market frictions using deep learning techniques

((ETH) Zurich)

We consider the problem of optimally hedging a portfolio of derivatives in a scenario based discrete-time market with transaction costs. Risk-preferences are specified in terms of a convex risk-measure. Such a framework has suffered from numerical intractability up until recently, but this has changed thanks to technological advances: using hedging strategies built from neural networks and machine learning optimization techniques, optimal hedging strategies can be approximated efficiently, as shown by the numerical study and some theoretical results presented in this talk (based on joint work with Hans Bühler, Ben Wood and Josef Teichmann).

Mon, 07 Mar 2016

15:45 - 16:45

Superhedging Approach to Robust Finance and Local Times

David Proemel
((ETH) Zurich)

Using Vovk's game-theoretic approach to mathematical finance and probability, it is possible to obtain new results in both areas.We first prove that one can make an arbitrarily large profit by investing in those one-dimensional paths which do not possess a local time of finite p-variation.  Additionally, we provide pathwise Tanaka formulas suitable for our local times and for absolutely continuous functions with sufficient regular derivatives. In the second part we derive a model-independent super-replication theorem in continuous time. Our result covers a broad range of exotic derivatives, including look-back options, discretely monitored Asian options, and options on realized variance.
 This talk is based on joint works with M. Beiglböck, A.M.G. Cox, M. Huesmann and N. Perkowski.


Thu, 23 Jan 2014

16:00 - 17:30

Trading with small price impact

Johannes Muhle-Karbe
((ETH) Zurich)

An investor trades a safe and several risky assets with linear price impact to maximize expected utility from terminal wealth.

In the limit for small impact costs, we explicitly determine the optimal policy and welfare, in a general Markovian setting allowing for stochastic market,

cost, and preference parameters. These results shed light on the general structure of the problem at hand, and also unveil close connections to

optimal execution problems and to other market frictions such as proportional and fixed transaction costs.

Thu, 31 Oct 2013

16:00 - 17:00

Coherent Lagrangian vortices: The black holes of turbulence

George Haller
((ETH) Zurich)

We discuss a simple variational principle for coherent material vortices

in two-dimensional turbulence. Vortex boundaries are sought as closed

stationary curves of the averaged Lagrangian strain. We find that

solutions to this problem are mathematically equivalent to photon spheres

around black holes in cosmology. The fluidic photon spheres satisfy

explicit differential equations whose outermost limit cycles are optimal

Lagrangian vortex boundaries. As an application, we uncover super-coherent

material eddies in the South Atlantic, which yield specific Lagrangian

transport estimates for Agulhas rings. We also describe briefly coherent

Lagrangian vortex detection to three-dimensional flows.

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