Please note that the list below only shows forthcoming events, which may not include regular events that have not yet been entered for the forthcoming term. Please see the past events page for a list of all seminar series that the department has on offer.


Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:00 -
Sun, 30 Jun 2024 17:00
Mathematical Institute

Cascading Principles - a major mathematically inspired exhibition by Conrad Shawcross - extended until June 2024

Further Information

Oxford Mathematics is delighted to be hosting one of the largest exhibitions by the artist Conrad Shawcross in the UK. The exhibition, Cascading Principles: Expansions within Geometry, Philosophy, and Interference, brings together over 40 of Conrad's mathematically inspired works from the past seventeen years. Rather than in a gallery, they are placed in the working environment of the practitioners of the subject that inspired them, namely mathematics.

Conrad Shawcross models scientific thought and reasoning within his practice. Drawn to mathematics, physics, and philosophy from the early stages of his artistic career, Shawcross combines these disciplines in his work. He places a strong emphasis on the nature of matter, and on the relativity of gravity, entropy, and the nature of time itself. Like a scientist working in a laboratory, he conceives each work as an experiment. Modularity is key to his process and many works are built from a single essential unit or building block. If an atom or electron is a basic unit for physicists, his unit is the tetrahedron.

Unlike other shapes, a tetrahedron cannot tessellate with itself. It cannot cover or form a surface through its repetition - one tetrahedron is unable to fit together with others of its kind. Whilst other shapes can sit alongside one another without creating gaps or overlapping, tetrahedrons cannot resolve in this way. Shawcross’ Schisms are a perfect demonstration of this failure to tessellate. They bring twenty tetrahedrons together to form a sphere, which results in a deep crack and ruptures that permeate its surface. This failure of its geometry means that it cannot succeed as a scientific model, but it is this very failure that allows it to succeed as an art work, the cracks full of broad and potent implications.

The show includes all Conrad's manifold geometric and philosophical investigations into this curious, four-surfaced, triangular prism to date. These include the Paradigms, the Lattice Cubes, the Fractures, the Schisms, and The Dappled Light of the Sun. The latter was first shown in the courtyard of the Royal Academy and subsequently travelled all across the world, from east to west, China to America.

The show also contains the four Beacons. Activated like a stained-glass window by the light of the sun, they are composed of two coloured, perforated disks moving in counter rotation to one another, patterning the light through the non-repeating pattern of holes, and conveying a message using semaphoric language. These works are studies for the Ramsgate Beacons commission in Kent, as part of Pioneering Places East Kent.

The exhibition Cascading Principles: Expansions within Geometry, Philosophy, and Interference is curated by Fatoş Üstek, and is organised in collaboration with Oxford Mathematics. 

The exhibition is open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. Some of the works are in the private part of the building and we shall be arranging regular tours of that area. If you wish to join a tour please email @email.

The exhibition runs until 30 June 2024. You can see and find out more here.

Watch the four public talks centred around the exhibition (featuring Conrad himself).

The exhibition is generously supported by our longstanding partner XTX Markets.

Images clockwise from top left of Schism, Fracture, Paradigm and Axiom

Schism Fracture

Axiom Paradigm

Mon, 29 Apr 2024

11:00 - 12:00
Lecture Room 3

Deep Gaussian processes: theory and applications

Aretha Teckentrup
(University of Edinburgh)
Further Information

Please note that this seminar starts at 11am and finishes at 12pm. 


Deep Gaussian processes have proved remarkably successful as a tool for various statistical inference tasks. This success relates in part to the flexibility of these processes and their ability to capture complex, non-stationary behaviours. 

In this talk, we will introduce the general framework of deep Gaussian processes, in which many examples can be constructed, and demonstrate their superiority in inverse problems including computational imaging and regression.

 We will discuss recent algorithmic developments for efficient sampling, as well as recent theoretical results which give crucial insight into the behaviour of the methodology.


Mon, 29 Apr 2024
Lecture Room 3

Sharp interface limit of 1D stochastic Allen-Cahn equation in full small noise regime

Prof. Weijun Xu
(Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research)

We consider the sharp interface limit problem for 1D stochastic Allen-Cahn equation, and extend a classic result by Funaki to the full small noise regime. One interesting point is that the notion of "small noise" turns out to depend on the topology one uses. The main new idea in the proof is the construction of a series of functional correctors, which are designed to recursively cancel out potential divergences. At a technical level, in order to show these correctors are well behaved, we also develop a systematic decomposition of functional derivatives of the deterministic Allen-Cahn flow of all orders, which might have its own interest.
Based on a joint work with Wenhao Zhao (EPFL) and Shuhan Zhou (PKU).

Mon, 29 Apr 2024

New Lower Bounds For Cap Sets

Fred Tyrrell
(University of Bristol)

A cap set is a subset of $\mathbb{F}_3^n$ with no solutions to $x + y + z = 0$ other than when $x = y = z$, or equivalently no non-trivial $3$-term arithmetic progressions. The cap set problem asks how large a cap set can be, and is an important problem in additive combinatorics and combinatorial number theory. In this talk, I will introduce the problem, give some background and motivation, and describe how I was able to provide the first progress in 20 years on the lower bound for the size of a maximal cap set. Building on a construction of Edel, we use improved computational methods and new theoretical ideas to show that, for large enough $n$, there is always a cap set in $\mathbb{F}_3^n$ of size at least $2.218^n$. I will then also discuss recent developments, including an extension of this result by Google DeepMind.

Mon, 29 Apr 2024

Formality of $E_n$-algebras and cochains on spheres

Gijs Heuts
(University of Utrecht)

It is a classical fact of rational homotopy theory that the $E_\infty$-algebra of rational cochains on a sphere is formal, i.e., quasi-isomorphic to the cohomology of the sphere. In other words, this algebra is square-zero. This statement fails with integer or mod p coefficients. We show, however, that the cochains of the n-sphere are still $E_n$-trivial with coefficients in arbitrary cohomology theories. This is a consequence of a more general statement on (iterated) loops and suspensions of $E_n$-algebras, closely related to Koszul duality for the $E_n$-operads. We will also see that these results are essentially sharp: if the R-valued cochains of $S^n$ have square-zero $E_{n+1}$-structure (for some rather general ring spectrum R), then R must be rational. This is joint work with Markus Land.

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

A priori bounds for subcritical fractional $\phi^4$ on $T^3$

Salvador Cesar Esquivel Calzada
(Universitat Munster)

We study the stochastic quantisation for the fractional $\varphi^4$ theory. The model has been studied by Brydges, Mitter and Scopola in 2003 as a natural extension of $\phi^4$ theories to fractional sub-critical dimensions. The stochastic quantisation equation is given by the (formal) SPDE 


(\partial_t + (-\Delta)^{s}) \varphi = - \lambda \varphi^3 + \xi


where $\xi$ is a space-time white noise over the three dimensional torus. The equation is sub-critical for $s > \frac{3}{4}$.


We derive a priori estimates in the full sub-critical regime $s>\frac{3}{4}$. These estimates rule out explosion in finite time and they imply the existence of an invariant measure with a standard Krylov-Bogoliubov argument. 

Our proof is based on the strategy developed for the parabolic case $s=1$ in [Chandra, Moinat, Weber, ARMA 2023]. In order to implement this strategy here, a new Schauder estimate for the fractional heat operator is developed. Additionally, several algebraic arguments from [Chandra, Moinat, Weber, ARMA 2023] are streamlined significantly. 


This is joint work with Hendrik Weber (Münster). 

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

Determinants in self-dual N = 4 SYM and twistor space

Frank Coronado
Self-dual Yang-Mills famously have a description in terms of twistors; one of the outstanding questions is how to promote it to full (non-self-dual) Yang-Mills and learn about its dynamics. In this talk, I will present some progress in this direction in the "most symmetric" Yang-Mills theory; namely N=4 super Yang-Mills in four dimensions. I will express the full Yang-Mills theory as a deformation of self-dual Yang-Mills. By treating the deformation perturbatively and using the formalism of twistors, I will write down the loop-integrands of correlation functions of determinant operators in the planar limit at any order in the 't Hooft coupling. Interestingly, the final expression is given by a partition function of a "dual" matrix model. This in turn manifests a ten-dimensional structure that combines spacetime and R-charge symmetries of SYM.


Tue, 30 Apr 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Unipotent Representations and Mixed Hodge Modules

Lucas Mason-Brown
((Oxford University))

One of the oldest open problems in representation theory is to classify the irreducible unitary representations of a semisimple Lie group G_R. Such representations play a fundamental role in harmonic analysis and the Langlands program and arise in physics as the state space of quantum mechanical systems in the presence of G_R-symmetry. Most unitary representations of G_R are realized, via some kind of induction, from unitary representations of proper Levi subgroups. Thus, the major obstacle to understanding the unitary dual of G_R is identifying the "non-induced" unitary representations of G_R. In previous joint work with Losev and Matvieievskyi, we have proposed a general construction of these non-induced representations, which we call "unipotent" representations of G_R. Unfortunately, the methods we employ do not provide a proof that these representations are unitary. In this talk, I will explain how one can apply Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules to overcome this difficulty, giving a uniform proof of the unitarity of all unipotent representations. This is joint work in progress with Dougal Davis

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

14:00 - 15:00

The rainbow saturation number

Natalie Behague
(University of Warwick)

The saturation number of a graph is a famous and well-studied counterpoint to the Turán number, and the rainbow saturation number is a generalisation of the saturation number to the setting of coloured graphs. Specifically, for a given graph $F$, an edge-coloured graph is $F$-rainbow saturated if it does not contain a rainbow copy of $F$, but the addition of any non-edge in any colour creates a rainbow copy of $F$. The rainbow saturation number of $F$ is the minimum number of edges in an $F$-rainbow saturated graph on $n$ vertices. Girão, Lewis, and Popielarz conjectured that, like the saturation number, for all $F$ the rainbow saturation number is linear in $n$. I will present our attractive and elementary proof of this conjecture, and finish with a discussion of related results and open questions.

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

Graph products and measure equivalence

Camille Horbez

Measure equivalence was introduced by Gromov as a measure-theoretic analogue to quasi-isometry between finitely generated groups. In this talk I will present measure equivalence classification results for right-angled Artin groups, and more generally graph products. This is based on joint works with Jingyin Huang and with Amandine Escalier. 

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

Best approximation by restricted divisor sums and random matrix integrals

Brad Rodgers (Queen's University, Kingston)

Let X and H be large, and consider n ranging from 1 to X. For an arithmetic function f(n), what is the best mean square approximation of f(n) by a restricted divisor sum (a function of the sort sum_{d|n, d < H} a_d)? I hope to explain how for a wide variety of arithmetic functions, when X grows and H grows like a power of X, a solution of this problem is connected to the evaluation of random matrix integrals. The problem is connected to some combinatorial formula for computing high moments of traces of random unitary matrices and I hope to discuss this also.

Tue, 30 Apr 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Equivariantly O2-stable actions: classification and range of the invariant

Matteo Pagliero
(KU Leuven)

One possible version of the Kirchberg—Phillips theorem states that simple, separable, nuclear, purely infinite C*-algebras are classified by KK-theory. In order to generalize this result to non-simple C*-algebras, Kirchberg first restricted his attention to those that absorb the Cuntz algebra O2 tensorially. C*-algebras in this class carry no KK-theoretical information in a strong sense, and they are classified by their ideal structure alone. It should be mentioned that, although this result is in Kirchberg’s work, its full proof was first published by Gabe. In joint work with Gábor Szabó, we showed a generalization of Kirchberg's O2-stable theorem that classifies G-C*-algebras up to cocycle conjugacy, where G is any second-countable, locally compact group. In our main result, we assume that actions are amenable, sufficiently outer, and absorb the trivial action on O2 up to cocycle conjugacy. In very recent work, I moreover show that the range of the classification invariant, consisting of a topological dynamical system over primitive ideals, is exhausted for any second-countable, locally compact group.

In this talk, I will recall the classification of O2-stable C*-algebras, and describe their classification invariant. Subsequently, I will give a short introduction to the C*-dynamical working framework and present the classification result for equivariant O2-stable actions. Time permitting, I will give an idea of how one can build a C*-dynamical system in the scope of our classification with a prescribed invariant. 

Wed, 01 May 2024

16:00 - 17:00


Sam Fisher
(University of Oxford)
Thu, 02 May 2024

11:00 - 12:00


Stefan Ludwig
(Ecole Normale Superieure)


Thu, 02 May 2024

12:00 - 13:00

Path integral formulation of stochastic processes

Steve Fitzgerald
(University of Leeds)

The join button will be published 30 minutes before the seminar starts (login required).


Traditionally, stochastic processes are modelled one of two ways: a continuum Fokker-Planck approach, where a PDE is solved to determine the time evolution of the probability density, or a Langevin approach, where the SDE describing the system is sampled, and multiple simulations are used to collect statistics. There is also a third way: the functional or path integral. Originally developed by Wiener in the 1920s to model Brownian motion, path integrals were famously applied to quantum mechanics by Feynman in the 1950s. However, they also have much to offer classical stochastic processes (and statistical physics).  

In this talk I will introduce the formalism at a physicist’s level of rigour, and focus on determining the dominant contribution to the path integral when the noise is weak. There exists a remarkable correspondence between the most-probable stochastic paths and Hamiltonian dynamics in an effective potential [1,2,3]. I will then discuss some applications, including reaction pathways conditioned on finite time [2]. We demonstrate that the most probable pathway at a finite time may be very different from the usual minimum energy path used to calculate the average reaction rate. If time permits, I will also discuss the extremely nonlinear crystal dislocation response to applied stress [4].  

[1] Ge, Hao, and Hong Qian. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 26.24 1230012 (2012)     

[2] Fitzgerald, Steve, et al. J. Chem. Phys. 158.12 (2023).

[3] Honour, Tom and Fitzgerald, Steve. in press J. Phys. A (2024)

[4] Fitzgerald, Steve. Sci. Rep. 6 (1) 39708 (2016)


Thu, 02 May 2024

Gradient Flow Approach to Minimal Surfaces

Christopher Wright
(University of Oxford)

Minimal surfaces, which are critical points of the area functional, have long been a source of fruitful problems in geometry. In this talk, I will introduce a new approach, primarily coming from a recent paper of M. Struwe, to constructing free boundary minimal discs using a gradient flow of a suitable energy functional. I will discuss the uniqueness of solutions to the gradient flow, including recent work on the uniqueness of weak solutions, and also what is known about the qualitative behaviour of the flow, especially regarding the interpretation of singularities which arise. Time permitting, I will also mention ongoing joint work with M. Rupflin and M. Struwe on extending this theory to general surfaces with boundary.

Thu, 02 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00
Lecture Room 3

Mathematics: key enabling technology for scientific machine learning

Wil Schilders
(TU Eindhoven)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will strongly determine our future prosperity and well-being. Due to its generic nature, AI will have an impact on all sciences and business sectors, our private lives and society as a whole. AI is pre-eminently a multidisciplinary technology that connects scientists from a wide variety of research areas, from behavioural science and ethics to mathematics and computer science.

Without downplaying the importance of that variety, it is apparent that mathematics can and should play an active role. All the more so as, alongside the successes of AI, also critical voices are increasingly heard. As Robert Dijkgraaf (former director of the Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies) observed in May 2019: ”Artificial intelligence is in its adolescent phase, characterised by trial and error, self-aggrandisement, credulity and lack of systematic understanding.” Mathematics can contribute to the much-needed systematic understanding of AI, for example, greatly improving reliability and robustness of AI algorithms, understanding the operation and sensitivity of networks, reducing the need for abundant data sets, or incorporating physical properties into neural networks needed for super-fast and accurate simulations in the context of digital twinning.

Mathematicians absolutely recognize the potential of artificial intelligence, machine learning and (deep) neural networks for future developments in science, technology and industry. At the same time, a sound mathematical treatment is essential for all aspects of artificial intelligence, including imaging, speech recognition, analysis of texts or autonomous driving, implying it is essential to involve mathematicians in all these areas. In this presentation, we highlight the role of mathematics as a key enabling technology within the emerging field of scientific machine learning. Or, as I always say: ”Real intelligence is needed to make artificial intelligence work.”


Thu, 02 May 2024

Robust Duality for multi-action options with information delay

Dr Anna Aksamit
(University of Sydney)
Further Information

Please join us for reshments outside the lecture room from 1530.


We show the super-hedging duality for multi-action options which generalise American options to a larger space of actions (possibly uncountable) than {stop, continue}. We put ourselves in the framework of Bouchard & Nutz model relying on analytic measurable selection theorem. Finally we consider information delay on the action component of the product space. Information delay is expressed as a possibility to look into the future in the dual formulation. This is a joint work with Ivan Guo, Shidan Liu and Zhou Zhou.

Thu, 02 May 2024
Lecture Room 4, Mathematical Institute

Twisted correlations of the divisor function via discrete averages of $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ Poincaré series

Jori Merikoski
(University of Oxford)

The talk is based on joint work with Lasse Grimmelt. We prove a theorem that allows one to count solutions to determinant equations twisted by a periodic weight with high uniformity in the modulus. It is obtained by using spectral methods of $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ automorphic forms to study Poincaré series over congruence subgroups while keeping track of interactions between multiple orbits. This approach offers increased flexibility over the widely used sums of Kloosterman sums techniques. We give applications to correlations of the divisor function twisted by periodic functions and the fourth moment of Dirichlet $L$-functions on the critical line.

Thu, 02 May 2024

17:00 - 18:00

Multi topological fields, approximations and NTP2

Silvain Rideau-Kikuchi
(École Normale Supérieure )

(Joint work with S. Montenegro)

The striking resemblance between the behaviour of pseudo-algebraically closed, pseudo real closed and pseudo p-adically fields has lead to numerous attempts at describing their properties in a unified manner. In this talk I will present another of these attempts: the class of pseudo-T-closed fields, where T is an enriched theory of fields. These fields verify a « local-global » principle with respect to models of T for the existence of points on varieties. Although it very much resembles previous such attempts, our approach is more model theoretic in flavour, both in its presentation and in the results we aim for.

The first result I would like to present is an approximation result, generalising a result of Kollar on PAC fields, respectively Johnson on henselian fields. This result can be rephrased as the fact that existential closeness in certain topological enrichments come for free from existential closeness as a field. The second result is a (model theoretic) classification result for bounded pseudo-T-closed fields, in the guise of the computation of their burden. One of the striking consequence of these two results is that a bounded perfect PAC field with n independent valuations has burden n and, in particular, is NTP2.

Thu, 02 May 2024

17:00 - 18:00

Cohomogeneity one Ricci solitons and Hamiltonian formalism

Qiu Shi Wang
( Oxford)
A Riemannian manifold is said to be of cohomogeneity one if there is a Lie group acting on it by isometries with principal orbits of codimension one. On such manifolds, the Ricci soliton equation simplifies to a system of ODEs, which can be considered as a Hamiltonian system. Various conserved quantities, such as superpotentials, can then be defined to find cases in which the system is explicitly integrable.

There is a considerable body of work, primarily due to A. Dancer and M. Wang, on the analogous procedure for the Einstein equation.

In this talk, I will introduce the abovementioned methods and illustrate with examples their usefulness in finding explicit formulae for Ricci solitons. I will also discuss the classification of superpotentials.


Fri, 03 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Epidemiological modelling with behavioural considerations and to inform policy making

Dr Edward Hill
(Dept of Mathematics University of Warwick)
Many problems in epidemiology are impacted by behavioural dynamics, whilst in response to health emergencies prompt analysis and communication of findings is required to be of use to decision makers. Both instances are likely to benefit from interdisciplinary approaches. This talk will feature two examples, one with a public health focus and one with a veterinary health focus.
In the first part, I will summarise work originally conducted in late 2020 that was contributed to Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling, Operational sub-group (SPI-M-O) of SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) on Christmas household bubbles in England. This was carried out in response to a policy involving a planned easing of restrictions in England between 23–27 December 2020, with Christmas bubbles allowing people from up to three households to meet throughout the holiday period. Using a household model and computational simulation, we estimated the epidemiological impact of both this and alternative bubble strategies that allowed extending contacts beyond the immediate household.

(Associated paper: Modelling the epidemiological implications for SARS-CoV-2 of Christmas household bubbles in England in December 2020.

In the second part, I will present a methodological pipeline developed to generate novel quantitative data on farmer beliefs with respect to disease management, process the data into a form amenable for use in mathematical models of livestock disease transmission and then refine said mathematical models according to the findings of the data. Such an approach is motivated by livestock disease models traditionally omitting variation in farmer disease management behaviours. I will discuss our application of this methodology for a fast, spatially spreading disease outbreak scenario amongst cattle herds in Great Britain, for which we elicited when farmers would use an available vaccine and then used the attained behavioural groups within a livestock disease model to make epidemiological and health economic assessments. 

(Associated paper: Incorporating heterogeneity in farmer disease control behaviour into a livestock disease transmission model.
Fri, 03 May 2024

15:00 - 16:00

Local systems for periodic data

Adam Onus
(Queen Mary University of London)

The join button will be published 30 minutes before the seminar starts (login required).



Periodic point clouds naturally arise when modelling large homogenous structures like crystals. They are naturally attributed with a map to a d-dimensional torus given by the quotient of translational symmetries, however there are many surprisingly subtle problems one encounters when studying their (persistent) homology. It turns out that bisheaves are a useful tool to study periodic data sets, as they unify several different approaches to study such spaces. The theory of bisheaves and persistent local systems was recently introduced by MacPherson and Patel as a method to study data with an attributed map to a manifold through the fibres of this map. The theory allows one to study the data locally, while also naturally being able to appeal to local systems of (co)sheaves to study the global behaviour of this data. It is particularly useful, as it permits a persistence theory which generalises the notion of persistent homology. In this talk I will present recent work on the theory and implementation of bisheaves and local systems to study 1-periodic simplicial complexes. Finally, I will outline current work on generalising this theory to study more general periodic systems for d-periodic simplicial complexes for d>1. 

Mon, 06 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00
Lecture Room 3

Bayesian Interpolation with Linear and Shaped Neural Networks

Boris Hanin
(Princeton University)

This talk, based on joint work with Alexander Zlokapa, concerns Bayesian inference with neural networks. 

I will begin by presenting a result giving exact non-asymptotic formulas for Bayesian posteriors in deep linear networks. A key takeaway is the appearance of a novel scaling parameter, given by # data * depth / width, which controls the effective depth of the posterior in the limit of large model and dataset size. 

Additionally, I will explain some quite recent results on the role of this effective depth parameter in Bayesian inference with deep non-linear neural networks that have shaped activations.

Mon, 06 May 2024


Franciszek Knyszewski
(University of Oxford)


Tue, 07 May 2024

Transportation-cost inequalities for nonlinear Gaussian functionals

Ioannis Gasteratos
(Imperial College, London)

In this talk, we study concentration properties for laws of non-linear Gaussian functionals on metric spaces. Our focus lies on measures with non-Gaussian tail behaviour which are beyond the reach of Talagrand’s classical Transportation-Cost Inequalities (TCIs). Motivated by solutions of Rough Differential Equations and relying on a suitable contraction principle, we prove generalised TCIs for functionals that arise in the theory of regularity structures and, in particular, in the cases of rough volatility and the two-dimensional Parabolic Anderson Model. Our work also extends existing results on TCIs for diffusions driven by Gaussian processes.

Tue, 07 May 2024

14:00 - 14:30

The Approximation of Singular Functions by Series of Non-integer Powers

Mohan Zhao
(University of Toronto)
In this talk, we describe an algorithm for approximating functions of the form $f(x) = \langle \sigma(\mu),x^\mu \rangle$ over the interval $[0,1]$, where $\sigma(\mu)$ is some distribution supported on $[a,b]$, with $0<a<b<\infty$. Given a desired accuracy and the values of $a$ and $b$, our method determines a priori a collection of non-integer powers, so that functions of this form are approximated by expansions in these powers, and a set of collocation points, such that the expansion coefficients can be found by collocating a given function at these points. Our method has a small uniform approximation error which is proportional to the desired accuracy multiplied by some small constants, and the number of singular powers and collocation points grows logarithmically with the desired accuracy. This method has applications to the solution of partial differential equations on domains with corners.
Tue, 07 May 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Using hyperbolic Coxeter groups to construct highly regular expander graphs

Francois Thilmany
(UC Louvain)

A graph $X$ is defined inductively to be $(a_0, . . . , a_{n−1})$-regular if $X$ is $a_0$-regular and for every vertex $v$ of $X$, the sphere of radius 1 around $v$ is an $(a_1, . . . , a_{n−1})$-regular graph. A family $F$ of graphs is said to be an expander family if there is a uniform lower bound on the Cheeger constant of all the graphs in $F$. 

After briefly (re)introducing Coxeter groups and their geometries, we will describe how they can be used to construct very regular polytopes, which in turn can yield highly regular graphs. We will then use the super-approximation machinery, whenever the Coxeter group is hyperbolic, to obtain the expansion of these families of graphs. As a result, we obtain interesting infinite families of highly regular expander graphs, some of which are related to the exceptional groups. 

The talk is based on work joint with Conder, Lubotzky, and Schillewaert. 

Tue, 07 May 2024


Yan Fyodorov
(King's College London)