Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 03 Jun 2021

Distributing points by minimizing energy for constructing approximation formulas with variable transformation

Ken'ichiro Tanaka
(University of Tokyo)

In this talk, we present some effective methods for distributing points for approximating analytic functions with prescribed decay on a strip region including the real axis. Such functions appear when we use numerical methods with variable transformations. Typical examples of such methods are provided by single-exponential (SE) or double-exponential (DE) sinc formulas, in which variable transformations yield single- or double-exponential decay of functions on the real axis. It has been known that the formulas are nearly optimal on a Hardy space with a single- or double-exponential weight on the strip region, which is regarded as a space of transformed functions by the variable transformations.

Recently, we have proposed new approximation formulas that outperform the sinc formulas. For constructing them, we use an expression of the error norm (a.k.a. worst-case error) of an n-point interpolation operator in the weighted Hardy space. The expression is closely related to potential theory, and optimal points for interpolation correspond to an equilibrium measure of an energy functional with an external field. Since a discrete version of the energy becomes convex in the points under a mild condition about the weight, we can obtain good points with a standard optimization technique. Furthermore, with the aid of the formulation with the energy, we can find approximate distributions of the points theoretically.

- K. Tanaka, T. Okayama, M. Sugihara: Potential theoretic approach to design of accurate formulas for function approximation in symmetric weighted Hardy spaces, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Vol. 37 (2017), pp. 861-904.

- K. Tanaka, M. Sugihara: Design of accurate formulas for approximating functions in weighted Hardy spaces by discrete energy minimization, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Vol. 39 (2019), pp. 1957-1984.

- S. Hayakawa, K. Tanaka: Convergence analysis of approximation formulas for analytic functions via duality for potential energy minimization, arXiv:1906.03133.

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Thu, 27 May 2021

Algebraic multigrid methods for GPUs

Ulrike Meier Yang
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Computational science is facing several major challenges with rapidly changing highly complex heterogeneous computer architectures. To meet these challenges and yield fast and efficient performance, solvers need to be easily portable. Algebraic multigrid (AMG) methods have great potential to achieve good performance, since they have shown excellent numerical scalability for a variety of problems. However, their implementation on emerging computer architectures, which favor structure, presents new challenges. To face these difficulties, we have considered modularization of AMG, that is breaking AMG components into smaller kernels to improve portability as well as the development of new algorithms to replace components that are not suitable for GPUs. Another way to achieve performance on accelerators is to increase structure in algorithms. This talk will discuss new algorithmic developments, including a new class of interpolation operators that consists of simple matrix operations for unstructured AMG and efforts to develop a semi-structured AMG method.


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Thu, 20 May 2021

The bubble transform and the de Rham complex

Ragnar Winther
(University of Oslo)

The bubble transform was a concept introduced by Richard Falk and me in a paper published in The Foundations of Computational Mathematics in 2016. From a simplicial mesh of a bounded domain in $R^n$ we constructed a map which decomposes scalar valued functions into a sum of local bubbles supported on appropriate macroelements.The construction is done without reference to any finite element space, but has the property that the standard continuous piecewise polynomial spaces are invariant. Furthermore, the transform is bounded in $L^2$ and $H^1$, and as a consequence we obtained a new tool for the understanding of finite element spaces of arbitrary polynomial order. The purpose of this talk is to review the previous results, and to discuss how to generalize the construction to differential forms such that the corresponding properties hold. In particular, the generalized transform will be defined such that it commutes with the exterior derivative.


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Thu, 06 May 2021

A proximal quasi-Newton trust-region method for nonsmooth regularized optimization

Dominique Orban
(École Polytechnique Montréal)

We develop a trust-region method for minimizing the sum of a smooth term f and a nonsmooth term h, both of which can be nonconvex. Each iteration of our method minimizes a possibly nonconvex model of f+h in a trust region. The model coincides with f+h in value and subdifferential at the center. We establish global convergence to a first-order stationary point when f satisfies a smoothness condition that holds, in particular, when it has Lipschitz-continuous gradient, and h is proper and lower semi-continuous. The model of h is required to be proper, lower-semi-continuous and prox-bounded. Under these weak assumptions, we establish a worst-case O(1/ε^2) iteration complexity bound that matches the best known complexity bound of standard trust-region methods for smooth optimization. We detail a special instance in which we use a limited-memory quasi-Newton model of f and compute a step with the proximal gradient method, resulting in a practical proximal quasi-Newton method. We describe our Julia implementations and report numerical results on inverse problems from sparse optimization and signal processing. Our trust-region algorithm exhibits promising performance and compares favorably with linesearch proximal quasi-Newton methods based on convex models.

This is joint work with Aleksandr Aravkin and Robert Baraldi.


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Thu, 29 Apr 2021

Regularity, stability and passivity distances for dissipative Hamiltonian systems

Volker Mehrmann
(TU Berlin)

Dissipative Hamiltonian systems are an important class of dynamical systems that arise in all areas of science and engineering. They are a special case of port-Hamiltonian control systems. When the system is linearized arround a stationary solution one gets a linear dissipative Hamiltonian typically differential-algebraic system. Despite the fact that the system looks unstructured at first sight, it has remarkable properties.  Stability and passivity are automatic, spectral structures for purely imaginary eigenvalues, eigenvalues at infinity, and even singular blocks in the Kronecker canonical form are very restricted and furthermore the structure leads to fast and efficient iterative solution methods for asociated linear systems. When port-Hamiltonian systems are subject to (structured) perturbations, then it is important to determine the minimal allowed perturbations so that these properties are not preserved. The computation of these structured distances to instability, non-passivity, or non-regularity, is typically a very hard non-convex optimization problem. However, in the context of dissipative Hamiltonian systems, the computation becomes much easier and can even be implemented efficiently for large scale problems in combination with model reduction techniques. We will discuss these distances and the computational methods and illustrate the results via an industrial problem.



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Thu, 11 Mar 2021

Structured matrix approximations via tensor decompositions

Arvind Saibaba
(North Carolina State University)

We provide a computational framework for approximating a class of structured matrices (e.g., block Toeplitz, block banded). Our approach has three steps: map the structured matrix to tensors, use tensor compression algorithms, and map the compressed tensors back to obtain two different matrix representations --- sum of Kronecker products and block low-rank format. The use of tensor decompositions enable us to uncover latent structure in the matrices and lead to computationally efficient algorithms. The resulting matrix approximations are memory efficient, easy to compute with, and preserve the error due to the tensor compression in the Frobenius norm. While our framework is quite general, we illustrate the potential of our method on structured matrices from three applications: system identification, space-time covariance matrices, and image deblurring.

Joint work with Misha Kilmer (Tufts University)



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Thu, 04 Mar 2021

Optimization on manifolds: introduction and newsflashes

Pierre-Antoine Absil
(UC Louvain)

This talk concerns applications of differential geometry in numerical optimization. They arise when the optimization problem can be formulated as finding an optimum of a real-valued cost function defined on a smooth nonlinear search space. Oftentimes, the search space is a "matrix manifold", in the sense that its points admit natural representations in the form of matrices. In most cases, the matrix manifold structure is due either to the presence of certain nonlinear constraints (such as orthogonality or rank constraints), or to invariance properties in the cost function that need to be factored out in order to obtain a nondegenerate optimization problem. Manifolds that come up in practical applications include the rotation group SO(3) (generation of rigid body motions from sample points), the set of fixed-rank matrices (low-rank models, e.g., in collaborative filtering), the set of 3x3 symmetric positive-definite matrices (interpolation of diffusion tensors), and the shape manifold (morphing).

In the recent years, the practical importance of optimization problems on manifolds has stimulated the development of geometric optimization algorithms that exploit the differential structure of the manifold search space. In this talk, we give an overview of geometric optimization algorithms and their applications, with an emphasis on the underlying geometric concepts and on the numerical efficiency of the algorithm implementations.

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Thu, 25 Feb 2021

Big data is low rank

Madeleine Udell
(Cornell University)

Data scientists are often faced with the challenge of understanding a high dimensional data set organized as a table. These tables may have columns of different (sometimes, non-numeric) types, and often have many missing entries. In this talk, we discuss how to use low rank models to analyze these big messy data sets. Low rank models perform well --- indeed, suspiciously well — across a wide range of data science applications, including applications in social science, medicine, and machine learning. In this talk, we introduce the mathematics of low rank models, demonstrate a few surprising applications of low rank models in data science, and present a simple mathematical explanation for their effectiveness.


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Thu, 18 Feb 2021

The reference map technique for simulating complex materials and multi-body interactions

Chris Rycroft
(Harvard University)

Conventional computational methods often create a dilemma for fluid-structure interaction problems. Typically, solids are simulated using a Lagrangian approach with grid that moves with the material, whereas fluids are simulated using an Eulerian approach with a fixed spatial grid, requiring some type of interfacial coupling between the two different perspectives. Here, a fully Eulerian method for simulating structures immersed in a fluid will be presented. By introducing a reference map variable to model finite-deformation constitutive relations in the structures on the same grid as the fluid, the interfacial coupling problem is highly simplified. The method is particularly well suited for simulating soft, highly-deformable materials and many-body contact problems, and several examples will be presented.


This is joint work with Ken Kamrin (MIT).


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Thu, 11 Feb 2021

14:00 - 15:00

From design to numerical analysis of partial differential equations: a unified mathematical framework

Annalisa Buffa
(École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL))

Computer-based simulation of partial differential equations (PDEs) involves approximating the unknowns and relies on suitable description of geometrical entities such as the computational domain and its properties. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is by large the most popular technique for the computer-based simulation of PDEs and hinges on the assumption that discretized domain and unknown fields are both represented by piecewise polynomials, on tetrahedral or hexahedral partitions. In reality, the simulation of PDEs is a brick within a workflow where, at the beginning, the geometrical entities are created, described and manipulated with a geometry processor, often through Computer-Aided Design systems (CAD), and then used for the simulation of the mechanical behaviour of the designed object. This workflow is often repeated many times as part of a shape optimisation loop. Within this loop, the use of FEM on CAD geometries (which are mainly represented through their boundaries) calls then for (re-) meshing and re-interpolation techniques that often require human intervention and result in inaccurate solutions and lack of robustness of the whole process. In my talk, I will present the mathematical counterpart of this problem, I will discuss the mismatch in the mathematical representations of geometries and PDEs unknowns and introduce a promising framework where geometric objects and PDEs unknowns are represented in a compatible way. Within this framework, the challenges to be addressed in order to construct robust PDE solvers are many and I will discuss some of them. Mathematical results will besupported by numerical validation.

Thu, 04 Feb 2021

Modeling composite structures with defects

Anne Reinarz
(University of Durham)

Composite materials make up over 50% of recent aircraft constructions. They are manufactured from very thin fibrous layers  (~10^-4 m) and even  thinner resin interfaces (~10^-5 m). To achieve the required strength, a particular layup sequence of orientations of the anisotropic fibrous layers is used. During manufacturing, small localised defects in the form of misaligned fibrous layers can occur in composite materials, adding an additional level of complexity. After FE discretisation the model exhibits multiple scales and large spatial variations in model parameters. Thus the resultant linear system of equations can be very ill-conditioned and extremely large. The limitations of commercially available modelling tools for solving these problems has led us to the implementation of a robust and scalable preconditioner called GenEO for parallel Krylov solvers. I will discuss using the GenEO coarse space as an effective multiscale model for the fine-scale displacement and stress fields. For the coarse space construction, GenEO computes generalised eigenvectors of the local stiffness matrices on the overlapping subdomains and builds an approximate coarse space by combining the smallest energy eigenvectors on each subdomain via a partition of unity.


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Thu, 28 Jan 2021

Spontaneous periodic orbits in the Navier-Stokes flow via computer-assisted proofs

Jean-Philippe Lessard
(McGill University)
In this talk, we introduce a general method to obtain constructive proofs of existence of periodic orbits in the forced autonomous Navier-Stokes equations on the three-torus. After introducing a zero finding problem posed on a Banach space of geometrically decaying Fourier coefficients, a Newton-Kantorovich theorem is applied to obtain the (computer-assisted) proofs of existence. As applications, we present proofs of existence of spontaneous periodic orbits in the Navier-Stokes equations with Taylor-Green forcing.


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Thu, 21 Jan 2021

Domain specific languages for convex optimization

Stephen Boyd
(Stanford University)

Specialized languages for describing convex optimization problems, and associated parsers that automatically transform them to canonical form, have greatly increased the use of convex optimization in applications. These systems allow users to rapidly prototype applications based on solving convex optimization problems, as well as generate code suitable for embedded applications. In this talk I will describe the general methods used in such systems.



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Thu, 03 Dec 2020

Reconstructing Signals with Simple Fourier Transforms

Haim Avron
(Tel Aviv University)

Reconstructing continuous signals based on a small number of discrete samples is a fundamental problem across science and engineering. In practice, we are often interested in signals with ``simple'' Fourier structure -- e.g., those involving frequencies within a bounded range, a small number of frequencies, or a few blocks of frequencies. More broadly, any prior knowledge about a signal's Fourier power spectrum can constrain its complexity.  Intuitively, signals with more highly constrained Fourier structure require fewer samples to reconstruct.

We formalize this intuition by showing that, roughly speaking, a continuous signal from a given class can be approximately reconstructed using a number of samples equal to the statistical dimension of the allowed power spectrum of that class. We prove that, in nearly all settings, this natural measure tightly characterizes the sample complexity of signal reconstruction.

Surprisingly, we also show that, up to logarithmic factors, a universal non-uniform sampling strategy can achieve this optimal complexity for any class of signals. We present a simple, efficient, and general algorithm for recovering a signal from the samples taken. For bandlimited and sparse signals, our method matches the state-of-the-art. At the same time, it gives the first computationally and sample efficient solution to a broad range of problems, including multiband signal reconstruction and common kriging and Gaussian process regression tasks.

Our work is based on a novel connection between randomized linear algebra and the problem of reconstructing signals with constrained Fourier structure. We extend tools based on statistical leverage score sampling and column-based matrix reconstruction to the approximation of continuous linear operators that arise in the signal fitting problem. We believe that these extensions are of independent interest and serve as a foundation for tackling a broad range of continuous time problems using randomized methods.

This is joint work with Michael Kapralov, Cameron Musco, Christopher Musco, Ameya Velingker and Amir Zandieh


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Thu, 26 Nov 2020

Why should we care about Steklov eigenproblems?

Nilima Nigam
(Simon Fraser University)

Steklov eigenproblems and their variants (where the spectral parameter appears in the boundary condition) arise in a range of useful applications. For instance, understanding some properties of the mixed Steklov-Neumann eigenfunctions tells us why we shouldn't use coffee cups for expensive brandy. 

In this talk I'll present a high-accuracy discretization strategy for computing Steklov eigenpairs. The strategy can be used to study questions in spectral geometry, spectral optimization and to the solution of elliptic boundary value problems with Robin boundary conditions.


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Thu, 19 Nov 2020

A foundation for automated high performance scientific machine learning

Chris Rackauckas

Scientific machine learning is a burgeoning discipline for mixing machine learning into scientific simulation. Use cases of this field include automated discovery of physical equations and accelerating physical simulators. However, making the analyses of this field automated will require building a set of tools that handle stiff and ill-conditioned models without requiring user tuning. The purpose of this talk is to demonstrate how the methods and tools of scientific machine learning can be consolidated to give a single high performance and robust software stack. We will start by describing universal differential equations, a flexible mathematical object which is able to represent methodologies for equation discovery, 100-dimensional differential equation solvers, and discretizations of physics-informed neural networks. Then we will showcase how adjoint sensitivity analysis on the universal differential equation solving process gives rise to efficient and stiffly robust training methodologies for a large variety of scientific machine learning problems. With this understanding of differentiable programming we will describe how the Julia SciML Software Organization is utilizing this foundation to provide high performance tools for deploying battery powered airplanes, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, allow for navigation via the Earth's magnetic field, and more.

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Thu, 12 Nov 2020

High order Whitney forms on simplices

Francesca Rapetti
(University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis)

Whitney elements on simplices are perhaps the most widely used finite elements in computational electromagnetics. They offer the simplest construction of polynomial discrete differential forms on simplicial complexes. Their associated degrees of freedom (dofs) have a very clear physical meaning and give a recipe for discretizing physical balance laws, e.g., Maxwell’s equations. As interest grew for the use of high order schemes, such as hp-finite element or spectral element methods, higher-order extensions of Whitney forms have become an important computational tool, appreciated for their better convergence and accuracy properties. However, it has remained unclear what kind of cochains such elements should be associated with: Can the corresponding dofs be assigned to precise geometrical elements of the mesh, just as, for instance, a degree of freedom for the space of Whitney 1-forms belongs to a specific edge? We address this localization issue. Why is this an issue? The existing constructions of high order extensions of Whitney elements follow the traditional FEM path of using higher and higher “moments” to define the needed dofs. As a result, such high order finite k-elements in d dimensions include dofs associated to q-simplices, with k < q ≤ d, whose physical interpretation is obscure. The present paper offers an approach based on the so-called “small simplices”, a set of subsimplices obtained by homothetic contractions of the original mesh simplices, centered at mesh nodes (or more generally, when going up in degree, at points of the principal lattice of each original simplex). Degrees of freedom of the high-order Whitney k-forms are then associated with small simplices of dimension k only.  We provide an explicit  basis for these elements on simplices and we justify this approach from a geometric point of view (in the spirit of Hassler Whitney's approach, still successful 30 years after his death).   

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Thu, 05 Nov 2020

Modeling and simulation of fluidic surfaces

Maxim Olshanskii
(University of Houston)

We briefly review mathematical models of viscous deformable interfaces (such as plasma membranes) leading to fluid equations posed on (evolving) 2D surfaces embedded in $R^3$. We further report on some recent advances in understanding and numerical simulation of the resulting fluid systems using an unfitted finite element method.


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Thu, 29 Oct 2020

An algorithm for constructing efficient discretizations for integral equations near corners

Kirill Serkh
(University of Toronto)

It has long been known that many elliptic partial differential equations can be reformulated as Fredholm integral equations of the second kind on the boundaries of their domains. The kernels of the resulting integral equations are weakly singular, which has historically made their numerical solution somewhat onerous, requiring the construction of detailed and typically sub-optimal quadrature formulas. Recently, a numerical algorithm for constructing generalized Gaussian quadratures was discovered which, given 2n essentially arbitrary functions, constructs a unique n-point quadrature that integrates them to machine precision, solving the longstanding problem posed by singular kernels.

When the domains have corners, the solutions themselves are also singular. In fact, they are known to be representable, to order n, by a linear combination (expansion) of n known singular functions. In order to solve the integral equation accurately, it is necessary to construct a discretization such that the mapping (in the L^2-sense) from the values at the discretization points to the corresponding n expansion coefficients is well-conditioned. In this talk, we present exactly such an algorithm, which is optimal in the sense that, given n essentially arbitrary functions, it produces n discretization points, and for which the resulting interpolation formulas have condition numbers extremely close to one.


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Thu, 22 Oct 2020

A new block preconditioner for implicit Runge-Kutta methods for parabolic PDE

Victoria Howle
(Texas Tech University)

In this talk, we introduce a new preconditioner for the large, structured systems appearing in implicit Runge–Kutta time integration of parabolic partial differential equations. This preconditioner is based on a block LDU factorization with algebraic multigrid subsolves for scalability.

We compare our preconditioner in condition number and eigenvalue distribution, and through numerical experiments, with others in the literature. In experiments run with implicit Runge–Kutta stages up to s = 7, we find that the new preconditioner outperforms the others, with the improvement becoming more pronounced as the spatial discretization is refined and as temporal order is increased.


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Thu, 15 Oct 2020

Generalized Gaussian quadrature as a tool for discretizing singular integral equations

Jim Bremer
(UC Davis)


One of the standard methods for the solution of elliptic boundary value problems calls for reformulating them as systems of integral equations.  The integral operators that arise in this fashion typically have singular kernels, and, in many cases of interest, the solutions of these equations are themselves singular.  This makes the accurate discretization of the systems of integral equations arising from elliptic boundary value problems challenging.

Over the last decade, Generalized Gaussian quadrature rules, which are n-point quadrature rules that are exact for a collection of 2n functions, have emerged as one of the most effective tools for discretizing singular integral equations. Among other things, they have been used to accelerate the discretization of singular integral operators on curves, to enable the accurate discretization of singular integral operators on complex surfaces and to greatly reduce the cost of representing the (singular) solutions of integral equations given on planar domains with corners.

We will first briefly outline a standard method for the discretization of integral operators given on curves which is highly amenable to acceleration through generalized Gaussian quadratures. We will then describe a numerical procedure for the construction of Generalized Gaussian quadrature rules.

Much of this is joint work with Zydrunas Gimbutas (NIST Boulder) and Vladimir Rokhlin (Yale University).

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Thu, 11 Jun 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Dense networks that do not synchronize and sparse ones that do.

Alex Townsend

Consider a network of identical phase oscillators with sinusoidal coupling. How likely are the oscillators to globally synchronize, starting from random initial phases? One expects that dense networks have a strong tendency to synchronize and the basin of attraction for the synchronous state to be the whole phase space. But, how dense is dense enough? In this (hopefully) entertaining Zoom talk, we use techniques from numerical linear algebra and computational Algebraic geometry to derive the densest known networks that do not synchronize and the sparsest networks that do. This is joint work with Steven Strogatz and Mike Stillman.

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Thu, 04 Jun 2020

14:00 - 15:00

Do Galerkin methods converge for the classical 2nd kind boundary integral equations in polyhedra and Lipschitz domains?

Simon Chandler-Wilde
(Reading University)

The boundary integral equation method is a popular method for solving elliptic PDEs with constant coefficients, and systems of such PDEs, in bounded and unbounded domains. An attraction of the method is that it reduces solution of the PDE in the domain to solution of a boundary integral equation on the boundary of the domain, reducing the dimensionality of the problem. Second kind integral equations, featuring the double-layer potential operator, have a long history in analysis and numerical analysis. They provided, through C. Neumann, the first existence proof to the Laplace Dirichlet problem in 3D, have been an important analysis tool for PDEs through the 20th century, and are popular computationally because of their excellent conditioning and convergence properties for large classes of domains. A standard numerical method, in particular for boundary integral equations, is the Galerkin method, and the standard convergence analysis starts with a proof that the relevant operator is coercive, or a compact perturbation of a coercive operator, in the relevant function space. A long-standing open problem is whether this property holds for classical second kind boundary integral equations on general non-smooth domains. In this talk we give an overview of the various concepts and methods involved, reformulating the problem as a question about numerical ranges. We solve this open problem through counterexamples, presenting examples of 2D Lipschitz domains and 3D Lipschitz polyhedra for which coercivity does not hold. This is joint work with Prof Euan Spence, Bath.


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