Forthcoming events in this series

Thu, 26 Oct 2017

Joint Number Theory / Logic Seminar: Virtual rigid motives of semi-algebraic sets in valued fields

Arthur Forey
(Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu)

Let k be a field of characteristic zero and K=k((t)). Semi-algebraic sets over K are boolean combinations of algebraic sets and sets defined by valuative inequalities. The associated Grothendieck ring has been studied by Hrushovski and Kazhdan who link it via motivic integration to the Grothendieck ring of varieties over k. I will present a morphism from the former to the Grothendieck ring of motives of rigid analytic varieties over K in the sense of Ayoub. This allows to refine the comparison by Ayoub, Ivorra and Sebag between motivic Milnor fibre and motivic nearby cycle functor.

Thu, 19 Oct 2017

Smooth values of polynomials

Trevor Wooley
(University of Bristol)

Recall that an integer n is called y-smooth when each of its prime divisors is less than or equal to y. It is conjectured that, for any a>0,  any polynomial of positive degree having integral coefficients should possess infinitely many values at integral arguments n that are n^a-smooth. One could consider this problem to be morally “dual” to the cognate problem of establishing that irreducible polynomials assume prime values infinitely often, unless local conditions preclude this possibility. This smooth values conjecture is known to be true in several different ways for linear polynomials, but in general remains unproven for any degree exceeding 1. We will describe some limited progress in the direction of the conjecture, highlighting along the way analogous conclusions for polynomial smoothness. Despite being motivated by a problem in analytic number theory, most of the methods make use of little more than pre-Galois theory. A guest appearance will be made by several hyperelliptic curves. [This talk is based on work joint with Jonathan Bober, Dan Fretwell and Greg Martin].

Thu, 12 Oct 2017

Heights and anabelian geometry

Alexander Betts

For a smooth variety over a number field, one defines various different homology groups (Betti, de Rham, etale, log-crystalline), which carry various kinds of enriching structure and are thought of as a system of realisations for a putative underlying (mixed) motivic homology group. Following Deligne, one can study fundamental groups in the same way, and the study of specific realisations of the motivic fundamental group has already found Diophantine applications, for instance in the anabelian proof of Siegel's theorem by Kim.

It is hoped that study of fundamental groups should give one access to ``higher'' arithmetic information not visible in the first cohomology, for instance classical and p-adic heights. In this talk, we will discuss recent work making this hope concrete, by demonstrating how local components of canonical heights on abelian varieties admit a natural description in terms of fundamental groups.

Thu, 15 Jun 2017

Non-abelian reciprocity laws and higher Brauer-Manin obstructions

Jon Pridham

Kim's iterative non-abelian reciprocity laws carve out a sequence of subsets of the adelic points of a suitable algebraic variety, containing the global points. Like Ellenberg's obstructions to the existence of global points, they are based on nilpotent approximations to the variety. Systematically exploiting this idea gives a sequence starting with the Brauer-Manin obstruction, based on the theory of obstruction towers in algebraic topology. For Shimura varieties, nilpotent approximations are inadequate as the fundamental group is nearly perfect, but relative completions produce an interesting obstruction tower. For modular curves, these maps take values in Galois cohomology of modular forms, and give obstructions to an adelic elliptic curve with global Tate module underlying a global elliptic curve.

Thu, 08 Jun 2017

Better than squareroot cancellation for multiplicative functions

Adam Harper

It is a standard heuristic that sums of oscillating number theoretic functions, like the M\"obius function or Dirichlet characters, should exhibit squareroot cancellation. It is often very difficult to prove anything as strong as that, and we generally expect that if we could prove squareroot cancellation it would be the best possible bound. I will discuss recent results showing that, in fact, certain averages of multiplicative functions exhibit a bit more than squareroot cancellation.

Thu, 01 Jun 2017

Local epsilon-isomorphisms in families

Rebecca Bellovin
(Imperial College, London)

Given a representation of Gal_{Q_p} with coefficients in a p-adically complete local ring R, Fukaya and Kato have conjectured the existence of a canonical trivialization of the determinant of a certain cohomology complex.  When R=Z_p and the representation is a lattice in a de Rham representation, this trivialization should be related to the \varepsilon-factor of the corresponding Weil--Deligne representation.  Such a trivialization has been constructed for certain crystalline Galois representations, by the work of a number of authors. I will explain how to extend these trivializations to certain families of crystalline Galois representations.  This is joint work with Otmar Venjakob.

Thu, 25 May 2017

Reduction of dynatomic curves

Holly Krieger

Dynatomic curves parametrize n-periodic orbits of a one-parameter family of polynomial dynamical systems. These curves lack the structure of their arithmetic-geometric analogues (modular curves of level n) but can be studied dynamically.  Morton and Silverman conjectured a dynamical analogue of the uniform boundedness conjecture (theorems of Mazur, Merel), asserting uniform bounds for the number of rational periodic points for such a family.  I will discuss recent work towards the function field version of their conjecture, including results on the reduction mod p of dynatomic curves for the quadratic polynomial family z^2+c.

Thu, 18 May 2017

The Zilber-Pink conjecture for Shimura varieties

Christopher Daw
(University of Reading)

In 2016, Habegger and Pila published a proof of the Zilber-Pink conjecture for curves in abelian varieties (all defined over $\mathbb{Q}^{\rm alg}$). Their article also contained a proof of the same conjecture for a product of modular curves that was conditional on a strong arithmetic hypothesis. Both proofs were extensions of the Pila-Zannier strategy based in o-minimality that has yielded many results in this area. In this talk, we will explain our generalisation of the strategy to the Zilber-Pink conjecture for any Shimura variety. This is joint work with J. Ren.

Thu, 11 May 2017

Lifting theorems in Galois cohomology

Mathieu Florence
(Université Paris 6)

The aim of this talk is to explain how to axiomatize Hilbert's Theorem 90, in the setting of (the cohomology with finite coefficients of) profinite groups. I shall first explain the general framework.  It includes, in particular, the use of divided power modules over Witt vectors; a process which appears to be of independent interest in the theory of modular representations. I shall then give several applications to Galois cohomology, notably to the problem of lifting mod p Galois representations (or more accurately: torsors under these) modulo higher powers of p. I'll also explain the connection with the Bloch-Kato conjecture in Galois cohomology, proved by Rost, Suslin and Voevodsky. This is joint work in progress with Charles De Clercq.

Thu, 04 May 2017

Joint Number Theory/Logic Seminar: On the Hilbert Property and the fundamental group of algebraic varieties

Umberto Zannier
(Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)

This  concerns recent work with P. Corvaja in which we relate the Hilbert Property for an algebraic variety (a kind of axiom linked with Hilbert Irreducibility, relevant e.g. for the Inverse Galois Problem)  with the fundamental group of the variety.
 In particular, this leads to new examples (of surfaces) of  failure of the Hilbert Property. We also prove the Hilbert Property for a non-rational surface (whereas all previous examples involved rational varieties).

Thu, 27 Apr 2017

Automorphic Galois Representations attached to Inner Forms of $\mathrm{Sp}_{2n}$

Benjamin Green

In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the Langlands program and Langlands functoriality with reference to the examples of Galois representations attached to cusp forms and the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence for $\mathrm{GL}_2$. I will then explain how one can generalise this idea, sketching a proof of a Jacquet-Langlands type correspondence from $\mathrm{U}_n(B)$, where $B$ is a quaternion algebra, to $\mathrm{Sp}_{2n}$ and showing that one can attach Galois representations to regular algebraic cuspidal automorphic representations of $\mathrm{Sp}_{2n}$.

Thu, 09 Mar 2017

16:00 - 17:00

Euclidean lattices of infinite rank and Diophantine applications

Jean-Benoît Bost
(Paris-Sud, Orsay)

I will discuss the definitions and the basic properties of some infinite dimensional generalizations of Euclidean lattices and of their invariants defined in terms of theta series. Then I will present some of their applications to transcendence theory and Diophantine geometry.

Thu, 02 Mar 2017

16:15 - 17:15

Minimal weights of mod-p Hilbert modular forms

Payman Kassaei
(Kings College London)

I will discuss results on the characterization of minimal weights of mod-p Hilbert modular forms using results on stratifications of Hilbert Modular Varieties.  This is joint work with Fred Diamond.

Thu, 23 Feb 2017

Wach modules, regulator maps, and ε-isomorphisms in families

Otmar Venjakob

In this talk on joint work with REBECCA BELLOVIN we discuss the “local ε-isomorphism” conjecture of Fukaya and Kato for (crystalline) families of G_{Q_p}-representations. This can be regarded as a local analogue of the global Iwasawa main conjecture for families, extending earlier work of Kato for rank one modules, of Benois and Berger for crystalline representations with respect to the cyclotomic extension as well as of Loeffler, Venjakob and Zerbes for crystalline representations with respect to abelian p-adic Lie extensions of Q_p. Nakamura has shown Kato’s - conjecture for (ϕ,\Gamma)-modules over the Robba ring, which means in particular only after inverting p, for rank one and trianguline families. The main ingredient of (the integrality part of) the proof consists of the construction of families of Wach modules generalizing work of Wach and Berger and following Kisin’s approach via a corresponding moduli space.

Thu, 16 Feb 2017

16:00 - 17:00

P-adic representations attached to vector bundles on smooth complete p-adic varieties

Christopher Deninger

We discuss vector bundles with numerically stable reduction on smooth complete varieties over a p-adic number field and sketch the construction of associated p-adic representations of the geometric fundamental group. On projective varieties, such bundles are semistable with respect to every polarization and have vanishing Chern classes. One of the main problems in the construction consisted in getting rid of infinitely many obstruction classes. This is achieved by adapting a theory of Bhatt based on de Jongs's alteration method. One also needs control over numerically flat bundles on arbitrary singular varieties over finite fields. The singular Riemann Roch Theorem of Baum Fulton Macpherson is a key ingredient for this step. This is joint work with Annette Werner.

Thu, 09 Feb 2017

16:00 - 17:00

A logarithmic interpretation of Edixhoven's jumps for Jacobians

Johannes Nicaise
(Imperial College London)

Let A be an abelian variety over a strictly henselian discretely valued field K. In his 1992 paper "Néron models and tame ramification", Edixhoven has constructed a filtration on the special fiber of the Néron model of A that measures the behaviour of the Néron model with respect to tamely ramified extensions of K. The filtration is indexed by rational numbers in [0,1], and if A is wildly ramified, it is an open problem whether the places where it jumps are always rational. I will explain how an interpretation of the filtration in terms of logarithmic geometry leads to explicit formulas for the jumps in the case where A is a Jacobian, which confirms in particular that they are rational. This is joint work with Dennis Eriksson and Lars Halvard Halle.

Thu, 02 Feb 2017

16:00 - 17:00

Finding Arithmetic Implications of Mirror Symmetry

Tyler Kelly

Mirror symmetry is a duality from string theory that states that given a Calabi-Yau variety, there exists another Calabi-Yau variety so that various geometric and physical data are exchanged. The investigation of this mirror correspondence has its roots in enumerative geometry and hodge theory, but has been later interpreted by Kontsevich in a categorical setting. This exchange in data is very powerful, and has been shown to persist for zeta functions associated to Calabi-Yau varieties, although there is no rigorous statement for what arithmetic mirror symmetry would be. Instead of directly trying to state and prove arithmetic mirror symmetry, we will instead use mirror symmetry as an intuitional framework to obtain arithmetic results for special Calabi-Yau pencils in projective space from the Hodge theoretic viewpoint. If time permits, we will discuss work in progress in starting to find arithmetic implications of Kontsevich's Homological Mirror Symmetry.

Thu, 26 Jan 2017

16:00 - 17:00

CANCELED: Wach modules, regulator maps, and ε-isomorphisms in families

Otmar Venjakob

In this talk on joint work with REBECCA BELLOVIN we discuss the “local ε-isomorphism” conjecture of Fukaya and Kato for (crystalline) families of G_{Q_p}-representations. This can be regarded as a local analogue of the global Iwasawa main conjecture for families, extending earlier work of Kato for rank one modules, of Benois and Berger for crystalline representations with respect to the cyclotomic extension as well as of Loeffler, Venjakob and Zerbes for crystalline representations with respect to abelian p-adic Lie extensions of Q_p. Nakamura has shown Kato’s - conjecture for (ϕ,\Gamma)-modules over the Robba ring, which means in particular only after inverting p, for rank one and trianguline families. The main ingredient of (the integrality part of) the proof consists of the construction of families of Wach modules generalizing work of Wach and Berger and following Kisin’s approach via a corresponding moduli space.

Thu, 19 Jan 2017

Joint Logic/Number Theory Seminar: Formality and higher Massey products in Galois cohomology

Adam Topaz

There are several conjectures in the literature suggesting that absolute Galois groups of fields tend to be "as free as possible," given their "almost-abelian" data.
This can be made precise in various ways, one of which is via the notion of "1-formality" arising in analogy with the concept in rational homotopy theory.
In this talk, I will discuss several examples which illustrate this phenomenon, as well as some surprising diophantine consequences.
This discussion will also include some recent joint work with Guillot, Mináč, Tân and Wittenberg, concerning the vanishing of mod-2 4-fold Massey products in the Galois cohomology of number fields.

Thu, 01 Dec 2016

Random waves on the three-dimensional torus and correlations of spherical lattice points

Jacques Benatar
(King's College London)

I will discuss some recent work, joint with R. Maffucci, concerning random Laplace eigenfunctions on the torus T^3=R^3/Z^3. Studying various statistics of these 'random waves' we will be confronted with an arithmetic question about linear relations among integer points on spheres.

Thu, 24 Nov 2016

On the standard L-function attached to Siegel-Jacobi modular forms of higher index

Thanasis Bouganis
(Durham University)

In this talk we will start by introducing the notion of Siegel-Jacobi modular form and explain its close relation to Siegel modular forms through the Fourier-Jacobi expansion. Then we will discuss how one can attach an L-function to an appropriate (i.e. eigenform) Siegel-Jacobi modular form due to Shintani, and report on joint work with Jolanta Marzec on analytic properties of this L-function, extending results of Arakawa and Murase. 

Thu, 17 Nov 2016

Correlations of multiplicative functions

Oleksiy Klurman
(University College London)

We develop the asymptotic formulas for correlations  
\[ \sum_{n\le x}f_1(P_1(n))f_2(P_2(n))\cdot \dots \cdot f_m(P_m(n))\]

where $f_1,\dots,f_m$ are bounded ``pretentious" multiplicative functions, under certain natural hypotheses. We then deduce several desirable consequences: first, we characterize all multiplicative functions $f:\mathbb{N}\to\{-1,+1\}$ with bounded partial sums. This answers a question of Erd{\"o}s from $1957$ in the form conjectured by Tao. Second, we show that if the average of the first divided difference of multiplicative function is zero, then either $f(n)=n^s$ for $\operatorname{Re}(s)<1$ or $|f(n)|$ is small on average. This settles an old conjecture of K\'atai. Third, we discuss applications to the study of sign patterns of $(f(n),f(n+1),f(n+2))$ and $(f(n),f(n+1),f(n+2),f(n+3))$ where $f:\mathbb{N}\to \{-1,1\}$ is a given multiplicative function. If time permits, we discuss multidimensional version of some of the results mentioned above.

Thu, 10 Nov 2016

Effective equidistribution of rational points on expanding horospheres

Min Lee
(University of Bristol)

The equidistribution theorem for rational points on expanding horospheres with fixed denominator in the space of d-dimensional Euclidean lattices has been derived in the work by M. Einsiedler, S. Mozes, N. Shah and U. Shapira. The proof of their theorem requires ergodic theoretic tools, including Ratner's measure classification theorem. In this talk I will present an alternative approach, based on harmonic analysis and Weil's bound for Kloosterman sums. In the case of d=3, unlike the ergodic-theoretic approach, this provides an explicit estimate on the rate of convergence. This is a joint work with Jens Marklof. 

Thu, 03 Nov 2016

Arithmetic applications of $\omega$-integral curves in varieties (Joint with Logic)

Natalia Garcia-Fritz
(University of Toronto)

In 2000, Vojta solved the n-squares problem under the Bombieri-Lang conjecture, by explicitly finding all the curves of genus 0 or 1 on the surfaces related to this problem. The fundamental notion used by him is $\omega$-integrality of curves. 

In this talk, I will show a generalization of Vojta's method to find all curves of low genus in some surfaces, with arithmetic applications.

I will also explain how to use $\omega$-integrality to obtain a bound of the height of a non-constant morphism from a curve to $\mathbb{P}^2$ in terms of the number of intersections (without multiplicities) of its image with a divisor of a particular kind.
This proves some new special cases of Vojta's conjecture for function fields.

Thu, 27 Oct 2016

On Hodge-Tate local systems

Ahmed Abbes
(Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques)

I will revisit the theory of Hodge-Tate local systems in the light of the p-adic Simpson correspondence. This is a joint work with Michel Gros.