mathematical symbols

Functional Analysis Group

Research Interests

The interests of the group are diverse, ranging from operator algebras, operator systems and topological aspects of the theory of Banach spaces, through to the theory of unbounded operators and topics bordering on probability and differential equations. See the members page for further information about members' research interests. There are also connections with other research groups in  Nonlinear PDEs and the associated Centre for Doctoral Training in PDEs, and Stochastic Analysis.


There is a functional analysis graduate seminar on most Tuesdays during term at 1600Hrs. Links to the full series listing and the next talk are below, as well as to a complementary series of graduate lectures in geometric group theory which launched in October 2022. 

In addition, the group runs various informal, ad-hoc reading and study groups, as well as a series of junior seminars. For more details please contact Stuart White.

Functional Analysis Seminar 

Geometric Group Theory seminar 


The group is a member of the North British Functional Analysis Seminar (NBFAS).  

Useful Links

The group is based at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. Instructions on how to reach the Institute can be found here.

Information about vacancies at the Oxford University Mathematical Institute can be found here.

If you are interested in undertaking graduate studies with us, please see the department's information for prospective graduate students.


International Congress of Mathematicians 2022

Stuart White: Classification of simple amenable C^{∗}-algebras

The International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 took place online. Held every four years, it is, of course, where Fields Medals are handed out. It is also where mathematicians are invited to give lectures in various categories, and this year Stuart White was so honoured.

Last updated on 4 Jan 2024, 11:08am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.