Do you want to get more involved with the IMA? Are you keen to rub shoulders with your mathematical peers? Then come along to the Early Career Mathematicians’ Spring conference on Saturday 3 March 2018 at Durham University.

The conference will interest mathematicians early in their career, be it in academia or industry, as well students of mathematics and statistics, and those with an interest in the subject. There will be plenty of time to network; allowing you the opportunity to meet people with similar interests and find out more about the wide range of careers that are available.

For more information on speakers and registration fees, please see the conference webpage.

Registration is via the IMA website.

For further information for students, including the "IMA eStudent" grade, is available online

The Early Career Mathematicians’ (ECM) Branch is designed for those with a maths degree who are within the first 15 years of graduating, or those without a degree who are within the first 15 years of membership. The ECM group has been set up to engage and empower ECM, and students of mathematics at university, to provide them with support and an opportunity to network.

The ECM Branch holds conferences twice a year which provide an opportunity for mathematicians across industry, academia and university to meet. It offers a range of mathematical presentations and activities for attendees to participate in.

Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 02 Apr 2022 21:54.