The university is trialling a new initiative where they nominate a person in each department to act as a connection to Oxford University Innovation (OUI), which helps people to identify opportunities in their research that might lead to innovations. This might be an invention, but it could also be something far simpler, such as finding a way of saving time or money in an industrial process. Although the Mathematical Institute is less connected to OUI than other departments, a lot of the research we are doing has clear commercial application.

Ian Griffiths has agreed to be the "OUI Champion", so he will be happy to connect you to the right people in OUI if you think you have something that might be useful to the public, or just want to chat about the possible applications of your research. If you would like to chat about ideas at any point then feel free to contact Ian by email or visit his office.

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Posted on 31 May 2018, 12:34pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.