Seminar series
Mon, 05 Nov 2012
Noah Snyder
MPI Bonn

Topological field theories give a connection between

topology and algebra. This connection can be exploited in both

directions: using algebra to construct topological invariants, or

using topology to prove algebraic theorems. In this talk, I will

explain an interesting example of the latter phenomena. Radford's

theorem, as generalized by Etingof-Nikshych-Ostrik, says that in a

finite tensor category the quadruple dual functor is easy to

understand. It's somewhat mysterious that the double dual is hard to

understand but the quadruple dual is easy. Using topological field

theory, we show that Radford's theorem is exactly the consequence of

the Dirac belt trick in topology. That is, the double dual

corresponds to the generator of $\pi_1(\mathrm{SO}(3))$ and so the

quadruple dual is trivial in an appropriate sense exactly because

$\pi_1(\mathrm{SO}(3)) \cong \mathbb{Z}/2$. This is part of a large

project, joint with Chris Douglas and Chris Schommer-Pries, to

understand local field theories with values in the 3-category of

tensor categories via the cobordism hypothesis.

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