Mon, 21 Jan 2013
17:00 - 18:00
Gibson 1st Floor SR
Qian Wang
OxPDE, University of Oxford

I will report my work on rough solutions to Cauchy problem for the Einstein vacuum equations in CMC spacial harmonic gauge, in which we obtain the local well-posedness result in $H^s$, $s$>$2$. The novelty of this approach lies in that, without resorting to the standard paradifferential regularization over the rough, Einstein metric $\bf{g}$, we manage to implement the commuting vector field approach to prove Strichartz estimate for geometric wave equation $\Box_{\bf{g} } \phi=0$ directly. If time allows, I will talk about my work in progress on the sharp results for the more general quasilinear wave equations by vector fields approach.

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