Thu, 14 Feb 2013
14:00 - 15:00
Stephane Guillermou

Several recent works by D. Tamarkin, D. Nadler, E. Zaslow make use of the microlocal theory of sheaves of M. Kashiwara and P. Schapira to obtain results in symplectic geometry. The link between sheaves on a manifold $M$ and the symplectic geometry of the cotangent bundle of $M$ is given by the microsupport of a sheaf, which is a conic co-isotropic subset of the cotangent bundle. In the above mentioned works properties of a given Lagrangian submanifold $\Lambda$ are deduced from the existence of a sheaf with microsupport $\Lambda$, which we call a quantization of $\Lambda$. In the third talk we will see that $\Lambda$ admits a canonical quantization if it is a "conification" of a compact exact Lagrangian submanifold of a cotangent bundle. We will see how to use this quantization to recover results of Fukaya-Seidel-Smith and Abouzaid on the topology of $\Lambda$.

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