Thu, 21 Feb 2013
14:00 - 15:00
Rowena Paget
University of Canterbury

The symmetric group S_{mn} acts naturally on the collection of set partitions of a set of size mn into n sets each of size m, and the resulting permutation character is the Foulkes character. These characters are the subject of the longstanding Foulkes Conjecture. In this talk, we define a deflation map which sends a character of the symmetric group S_{mn} to a character of S_n. The values of the images of the irreducible characters under this map are described combinatorially in a rule which generalises two well-known combinatorial rules in the representation theory of symmetric groups, the Murnaghan-Nakayama formula and Young's rule. We use this in a new algorithm for computing irreducible constituents of Foulkes characters and verify Foulkes’ Conjecture in some new cases. This is joint work with Anton Evseev (Birmingham) and Mark Wildon (Royal Holloway).

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