Mon, 11 Nov 2013
17:00 - 18:00
Wong Willie Wai Yeung
EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)

The vanishing mean curvature flow in Minkowski space is the

natural evolutionary generalisation of the minimal surface equation,

and has applications in cosmology as a model equation for cosmic

strings and membranes. The equation clearly admits initial data which

leads to singularity formation in finite time; Nguyen and Tian have

even shown stability of the singularity formation in low dimension. On

the other hand, Brendle and Lindblad separately have shown that all

"nearly flat" initial data leads to global existence of solutions. In

this talk, I describe an intermediate regime where global existence

of solutions can be proven on a codimension 1 set of initial data; and

where the codimension 1 condition is optimal --- The

catenoid, being a minimal surface in R^3, is a static solution to the

vanishing mean curvature flow. Its variational instability as a

minimal surface leads to a linear instability under the flow. By

appropriately "modding out" this unstable mode we can show the

existence of a stable manifold of initial data that gives rise to

solutions which scatters toward to the

catenoid. This is joint work with Roland Donninger, Joachim Krieger,

and Jeremy Szeftel. The preprint is available at

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