Mon, 09 Dec 2013
16:00 - 17:00
Sebastian Novak
University of Hamburg

TQFTs have received widespread attention in recent years. In mathematics

for example due to Lurie's proof of the cobordism hypothesis. In physics

they are used as toy models to understand structure, especially

boundaries and defects.

I will present a lattice construction of 2d Spin TFT. This mostly

motivated as both a toy model and stepping stone for a mathematical

construction of rational conformal field theories with fermions.

I will first describe a combinatorial model for spin surfaces that

consists of a triangulation and a finte set of extra data. This model is

then used to construct TFT correlators as morphisms in a symmetric

monoidal category, given a Frobenius algebra as input. The result is

shown to be independent of the triangulation used, and one obtains thus

a 2dTFT.

All results and constructions can be generalised to framed surfaces in a

relatively straightforward way.

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