Seminar series
Thu, 20 Feb 2014
16:00 - 17:30
Ying Hu
Université de Rennes 1 France

In this work, we want to construct the solution $(Y,Z,K)$ to the following BSDE


Y_t=\xi+\int_t^Tf(s,Y_s,Z_s)ds-\int_t^TZ_sdB_s+K_T-K_t, \quad 0\le t\le T, \\

{\mathbf E}[l(t, Y_t)]\ge 0, \quad 0\le t\le T,\\

\int_0^T{\mathbf E}[l(t, Y_t)]dK_t=0, \\



where $x\mapsto l(t, x)$ is non-decreasing and the terminal condition $\xi$

is such that ${\mathbf E}[l(T,\xi)]\ge 0$.

This equation is different from the (classical) reflected BSDE. In particular, for a solution $(Y,Z,K)$,

we require that $K$ is deterministic. We will first study the case when $l$ is linear, and then general cases.

We also give some application to mathematical finance. This is a joint work with Philippe Briand and Romuald Elie.

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