Tue, 11 Mar 2014
15:45 - 16:45
Ben Davison
EPFL Lausanne

I will discuss some very well studied cohomology groups that turn out to be captured by the machinery of critical CoHAs, for example the compactly supported cohomology of singular quiver varieties and untwisted character varieties. I will explain the usefulness of this extra CoHA structure on these groups, starting with a new proof of the Kac conjecture, and discuss a conjectural form for the CoHA associated to untwisted character varieties that provides a new way to think about the conjectures of Hausel and Rodriguez-Villegas. Finally I will discuss an approach to purity for the compactly supported cohomology of quiver varieties and a related approach to a conjecture of Shiffmann and Vasserot, analogous to Kirwan surjectivity for the stack of commuting matrices.

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