Mon, 19 May 2014
14:15 - 15:15
Oxford-Man Institute

We will introduce a particle system interacting through a mean-field term that models the behavior of a network of excitatory neurons. The novel feature of the system is that the it features a threshold dynamic: when a single particle reaches a threshold, it is reset while all the others receive an instantaneous kick. We show that in the limit when the size of the system becomes infinite, the resulting non-standard equation of McKean Vlasov type has a solution that may exhibit a blow-up phenomenon depending on the strength of the interaction, whereby a single particle reaching the threshold may cause a macroscopic cascade. We moreover show that the particle system does indeed exhibit propagation of chaos, and propose a new way to give sense to a solution after a blow-up.

This is based on joint research with F. Delarue (Nice), E. Tanré (INRIA) and S. Rubenthaler (Nice).

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