Fri, 09 May 2014
14:15 - 15:15
Andrew Nicholas
University of Exeter

Numerical models provide valuable tools for integrating understanding of riverine processes and morphology. Moreover, they have considerable potential for use in investigating river responses to environmental change and catchment management, and for aiding the interpretation of alluvial deposits and landforms. For this potential to be realised fully, such models must be capable of representing diverse river styles, and the spatial and temporal transitions between styles that can be driven by environmental forcing. However, while numerical modelling of rivers has advanced significantly over the past few decades, this has been accomplished largely by developing separate approaches to modelling different styles of river (e.g., meanders and braided networks). In addition, there has been considerable debate about what should constitute the ‘basic ingredients’ of river models, and the degree to which the environmental processes governing river evolution can be simplified in such models. This seminar aims to examine these unresolved issues, with particular reference to the simulation of large rivers and their floodplains.

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