Mon, 09 Jun 2014
17:00 - 18:00
Mark Peletier
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

One of the holy grails of material science is a complete characterization of ground states of material energies. Some materials have periodic ground states, others have quasi-periodic states, and yet others form amorphic, random structures. Knowing this structure is essential to determine the macroscopic material properties of the material. In theory the energy contains all the information needed to determine the structure of ground states, but in practice it is extremely hard to extract this information.

In this talk I will describe a model for which we recently managed to characterize the ground state in a very complete way. The energy describes the behaviour of diblock copolymers, polymers that consist of two parts that repel each other. At low temperature such polymers organize themselves in complex microstructures at microscopic scales.

We concentrate on a regime in which the two parts are of strongly different sizes. In this regime we can completely characterize ground states, and even show stability of the ground state to small energy perturbations.

This is work with David Bourne and Florian Theil.

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