Thu, 30 Oct 2014
14:00 - 15:00
Professor Olavi Nevanlinna
Aalto University

We outline a path from polynomial numerical hulls to multicentric calculus for evaluating f(A). Consider
$$Vp(A) = {z ∈ C : |p(z)| ≤ kp(A)k}$$
where p is a polynomial and A a bounded linear operator (or matrix). Intersecting these sets over polynomials of degree 1 gives the closure of the numerical range, while intersecting over all polynomials gives the spectrum of A, with possible holes filled in.
Outside any set Vp(A) one can write the resolvent down explicitly and this leads to multicentric holomorphic functional calculus.
The spectrum, pseudospectrum or the polynomial numerical hulls can move rapidly in low rank perturbations. However, this happens in a very controlled way and when measured correctly one gets an identity which shows e.g. the following: if you have a low-rank homotopy between self-adjoint and quasinilpotent, then the identity forces the nonnormality to increase in exact compensation with the spectrum shrinking.
In this talk we shall mention how the multicentric calculus leads to a nontrivial extension of von Neumann theorem
$$kf(A)k ≤ sup |z|≤1
where A is a contraction in a Hilbert space, and conclude with some new results on (nonholomorphic) functional calculus for operators for which p(A) is normal at a nontrivial polynomial p. Notice that this is always true for matrices.


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