Thu, 12 Feb 2015
12:00 - 13:00
Xiangdong Ding
xi'an Jiatong University

The generation of functional interfaces such as superconducting and ferroelectric twin boundaries requires new ways to nucleate as many interfaces as possible in bulk materials and thin films. Materials with high densities of twin boundaries are often ferroelastics and martensites. Here we show that the nucleation and propagation of twin boundaries depend sensitively on temperature and system size. The geometrical mechanisms for the evolution of the ferroelastic microstructure under strain deformation remain similar in all thermal regimes, whereas their thermodynamic behavior differs dramatically: on heating, from power-law statistics via the Kohlrausch law to a Vogel-Fulcher law.We find that the complexity of the pattern can be well characterized by the number of junctions between twin boundaries. Materials with soft bulk moduli have much higher junction densities than those with hard bulk moduli. Soft materials also show an increase in the junction density with diminishing sample size. The change of the complexity and the number density of twin boundaries represents an important step forward in the development of ‘domain boundary engineering’, where the functionality of the materials is directly linked to the domain pattern.

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