Seminar series
Thu, 12 Feb 2015
16:00 - 17:00
René Pannekoek
Imperial College London

Given an abelian variety A over a number field k, its Kummer variety X is the quotient of A by the automorphism that sends each point P to -P. We study p-adic density and weak approximation on X by relating its rational points to rational points of quadratic twists of A. This leads to many examples of K3 surfaces over Q whose rational points lie dense in the p-adic topology, or in product topologies arising from p-adic topologies. Finally, the same method is used to prove that if the Brauer--Manin obstruction controls the failure of weak approximation on all Kummer varieties, then ranks of quadratic twists of (non-trivial) abelian varieties are unbounded. This last fact arises from joint work with David Holmes.

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