Seminar series
Mon, 09 Mar 2015
12:00 - 13:00
Fisher Room
Tudor Dimofte
IAS, Princeton
While the Higgs branch of a 3d N=4 gauge theory is protected from quantum corrections and its metric is easily computable, the Coulomb branch suffers both perturbative and nonperturbative corrections, and has long remained mysterious. I will present a construction of the Coulomb branch as a complex manifold, and (in principle) as a hyperkahler manifold. In particular, holomorphic functions on the Coulomb branch come from vevs of monopole operators in a chiral ring, and it turns out that this ring has a simple, quasi-abelian description. Applying the construction to linear quiver gauge theories, one finds new descriptions of singular monopole moduli spaces. I may also touch upon relations to equivariant vortex counting, geometric representation theory, and symplectic duality.
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